- Added a more detailed Comp report
- Added more information on why a sale cannot be refunded when attempting to refund in the Sales Log
- Added option to disable transaction fees online
- Added popup while using the RTS app that will prompt to use a gift card if credit cards are disabled
- Added protection against creating duplicate ticket types
- Added protection against making multiple subtotals with the same name and from deleting subtotals that are actively being used
- Added time offset option to the Three Day Total report
- Fixed Enhanced RTS Kiosks handling of mixed - payment and linked item transactions.
- Fixed issue with text being cutoff on certain receipts
- Fixed ticket loyalty redemptions in Enhanced RTS Kiosk transactions.
- Changed Fandango report to better represent sales
- Made improvements to the usability of API 2 for third-parties
- Order Manager will default to Today instead of All when no search criteria is used
- Pickup viewer will now prevent orders requiring text messages from stalling-out/slowing down the window
- Removed Yes/No prompt from restricted items on Enhanced RTS Kiosk
- Stopped various windows from losing focus and becoming "behind" the RTS Ticketing window
- The cash register now refreshes any entered reward card after adding tickets to a reward card
- Updated RTS App to consistently load new versions in a timely manner
- Updated the Correct Inventory report to use the set sort number instead of sorting alphabetically by default
- Updated the Money Credits display in Individual Card Lookup to display more sensibly
- Updated the RTS App to update its schedule more consistently
- Various improvements to Enhanced RTS Kiosk configuration.
- Various updates and improvements to membership renewals
- Various updates and improvements to the Enhanced RTS Kiosk
- Various updates and improvements to the pickup viewer
- When using Transfer Card, removed the requirement for the recipient card to be registered before the card transfer
- Added ability to change integration credentials for Factor4
- Added ability to choose either Ladder or Spendable points when manually adding points to a card
- Added ability to notify customer when their order is ready by text message
- Added ability to override a reserved seat lock from a different station
- Added ability to separate online and retail credit card sales for Shift Export
- Added block sales support to web app
- Added concession item display name to appear alongside the database name in concession item csv export
- Added Excessive Tip Password protection option
- Added Laser Projection as an auditorium amenity
- Added message box that notifies the user when auto batch clearing is not enabled when closing
- Added multiple location support to daily and weekly deposit recap report
- Added option to add new Factor 4 card numbers using the Setup/Mag Cards/Enter New Cards function
- Added option to prompt user that spendable points are available to use when card is added to the register
- Added option to revert the date back to the current date after processing a transaction for a future date
- Added phone number to display in Pickup Viewer if the phone number is attached to the transaction
- Added phone number to register display when attached with the transaction
- Added points to card balance report
- Added the Three Day Totals report as an automatic reporting email option
- Added totals summary to the Mag Card Activity report
- Fixed "Card Not Found" message appearing on customer-facing display
- Fixed CVV error when Heartland is used for online sales
- Fixed gift card issues with the app
- Fixed iOS app issues
- Fixed issue with Film Admissions report generated from web reporting
- Fixed issue with Gross Summary when generating the report on a corporate server
- Fixed issue with Move Up/Down buttons in Deposit Export window
- Fixed issue with registration rewards when purchasing a new membership
- Fixed issue with Screenvision Attendance report when generated on a corporate server
- Fixed issue with subtotal not updating after swipe deleting tab items from register
- Fixed issue with the selling screen that occurred after midnight
- Fixed issues with Enter Card button in the selling screen
- Fixed issues with tabs not closing in the Restaurant interface
- Fixed loyalty card registration issue
- Fixed Membership Discount Setting not applying to concession item purchases using RTS API v2
- Fixed receipt logo issues
- Fixed Save Failed issue when removing emails from the list in the Setup/Reports/Auto Email window
- Fixed the edit credit and edit ticket functions in the Lookup Register Card Window
- Fixed the Print Receipt on Finish option issue in the pickup viewer
- Improved the layout of the Adjust Order Lookup and Circuit Details inventory reports
- Updated order text messaging options into its own configuration at Setup/Communications/Text Messaging
- Added documentation for text messaging feature
- Added option to sort films by auditorium instead of title in selling screen
- Added option to specify ladder or spendable when manually adding points to a card
- Fixed default screen number in Bank setup not working for selling
- Fixed focus issue with customer tip prompt when an ad display is on the same monitor
- Fixed focus issues in local computer setup when assigning secure devices
- Fixed issue with Allow Refund Without Login setting not saving
- Fixed issue with API2 requests containing loyalty cards causing error response
- Fixed issue with app order refunds not including sub items
- Fixed issue with app orders not displaying the last four of a card number in Advanced Ticket Pickup window when ecom processor is Heartland
- Fixed issue with app purchases failing when using a gift card
- Fixed issue with Auto Check In checkbox not properly saving in App configuration window
- Fixed issue with Batch Warning message still appearing after a batch was manually fixed
- Fixed issue with Box Office report header displaying unicode characters
- Fixed issue with Future Kitchen Orders window restarting software
- Fixed issue with kiosk incorreclty saying cart empty when tickets are in cart
- Fixed issue with Kiosks intermittently printing incorrect pickup number
- Fixed issue with memberships sold showing up as No Subtotal on reports
- Fixed issue with partial retail refunds when using Heartland
- Fixed issue with Point Exchange Rate items not saving or being removed properly in Membership Setup
- Fixed issue with selecting multiple showtimes in Showtime Scheduler (new)
- Fixed schedule export format defaulting to wrong format when saving EpradB as the selection
- Changed the default date in Digital Signage Advertising Signs setup window to the current date to avoid confusion
- Updated the refund window to allow refunding a specified amount of general admission tickets
- Added a batch warning check when opening the selling screen if a batch has been outstanding for more than one week
- Added ability to auto-renew memberships through API2
- Added ability to disable all fees for a membership level
- Added ability to redeem money credits through API2 purchase requests
- Added ability to send text messages through API2 purchase requests or new SendText endpoint
- Added any change made in the showtime scheduler and who initiated the change into the general log
- Added App Privacy Policy and Permission descriptions
- Added configurable card number character length to Valutec configuration window
- Added delay to pickup time for an order based on the item with the longest cooking time
- Added list of Non-Seats and their information to the API2 seat chart request (aisles, exits, etc.)
- Added membership level to member info report
- Added new Private Event film amenity
- Added option to redirect gift page to RTS App
- Added optional tip prompt for customer-facing display
- Added prompt for new card number when adding passes to card
- Added support for Factor 4 gift cards
- Added support for New York All-In Pricing
- Added the ability to edit classification names
- Added the ability to update a customer payment method for membership auto-renewals
- Added theater location selection dropdown to deposit breakdown report
- Fixed employee contest window from restarting RTS if an item failed to load
- Fixed issue with additional credit being added when voiding an item that points were spent on
- Fixed issue with Allow Refund Without Login app setting not saving
- Fixed issue with item fees configuration not saving in the setup concession items window
- Fixed issue with Kiosks restarting when awaiting payment if Heartland Pax S300 is being used
- Fixed issue with membership auto rewards not properly being added to accounts without a date of birth added
- Fixed issue with Pay with Code feature restarting RTS
- Fixed issue with RTN Gift Purchase Page failing when using Global GSAP Portico for e-commerce transactions
- Fixed issue with RTS License expiration message appearing on the wrong screen
- Fixed issues with communication between locations using a remote mag card server
- Improved API2 error handling for purchase requests
- Made general improvements to the classifications window
- Add a way to make bulk item changes on mag cards
- Added a delay pickup time for online concession sales by highest cook time in users cart
- Added configurable card number character length in Valutec configuration
- Added improvements to all membership API2 endpoints
- Added new API2 endpoint allowing API users to get a locations membership settings
- Added the ability to edit classification names
- Fixed communication between RTS and certain Pax devices when using Kiosk mode
- Improved communications between remote mag card server locations
- Improved functionality for updating pickup ticket status when performing Auditorium Swaps
- Improved Online Gift Card sales page to handle all credit card processors
- Made improvments to the Employee Contest Report
- Added ability to edit item/points on loyalty cards
- Added add items and add passes buttons to lookup registered card window
- Added API2 improvements for working with Loyalty programs and Memberships
- Added improved functionality to Pay at Counter feature
- Added improvements to auditorium swap feature
- Added improvements to Prime Pay export
- Added improvements to the pick date window in the selling screen
- Added improvements to web reporting handling timezones
- Added new email header for customers that only purchase a gift card online
- Added optional password protection to block editing and adding items for specific users
- Added protection against deleting showtimes with ticket sales
- Added protection from allowing users to input incorrect values into theater ID field in Comscore settings
- Added select all and select none buttons Boxoffice report in web reporting
- Added station number prompt in selling screen for editing items
- Added the ability to bulk change items on a mag card
- Added warning when attempting to sell in doorman mode
- General fixes and improvements to RTS App
- Improved refund permissions prompts and added prompt for manager to override permissions
- Moved super saver setting to ticket setup window
- Fixed issue in reserved seating that shows incorrect ticket type options
- Fixed issue in reserved seating where More button appeared
- Fixed issue that did not allow users to remove emails from the automatic reporting email window
- Fixed issue that hid future kitchen orders window behind pickup viewer
- Fixed issue where deleted amenities were still being displayed in app schedule
- Fixed issue where seat groups could be created with seats that do not exist
- Fixed issue with credit card credential setup login window hiding behind screen
- Fixed issue with distributor percentage not saving in Options
- Fixed issue with duplicate emails sending for automatic reporting
- Fixed issue with multitender in selling screen
- Fixed issue with phone number prompt not appearing on credit card transactions
- Fixed issue with Print Receipt on Finish setting in Local Computer Setup defaulting to always checked
- Fixed issue with timeclock login window
- Fixed issue with Weekly Ticket report missing a header and report not finding data
- Fixed issue with windows in RTS opening incorrectly when a report is already opened and maximized
- Fixed issues with customer facing display not displaying the same item name as the register
- Added prompt to allow users to clear multiple holds at once if part of the same group
- Added a way to configure tax table on multiple items at once
- Added a way to save changes to existing deposit total config groups
- Added ability to set up events for specific films
- Added app/online tips to tip share report
- Added auto phone number prompt for credit card procedure
- Added bonus ticket availability in API2 schedule request
- Added Chain name and Chain ID to RTN Info
- Added drive in mode check to api1 purchase requests
- Added drive in ticket check to pickup ticket window and advanced ticket search window
- Added gross percent and admission percent to ticket daily report
- Added logic to block outside IPs from /install (PCI Compliance issue)
- Added net sales to kitchen guest average report
- Added note on point exchange window to clarifiy it can only be used on concessions
- Added option to configure the minutes that count for "previous showtime" password permission
- Added payroll percentage to deposit total and configurable option for distributor payout
- Added percent to booking by sales channel report
- Added permission to restrict users to only refund to original payment (no voids allowed if this is turned on, refund window only, original payment only)
- Added previous showtime password permission check to reserved seating showtimes
- Added quicklinks (from old web reporting) to new web reporting
- Added void summary and labor cost to deposit total report
- Added warning message when trying to close the deposit with stations still open (greater than 24 hours and less than 2 hours is not included in warning)
- Updated error message for removing an auditorium with sales
- Updated multitender add gift payment to handle different card types
- Updated secure login window
- Updated text on refund page to remove hyphen in dollar amount to not get confused with negative amount
- Updated wording on pay at counter page in webapp
- Blocked items from app config menu list is items have not been added to RTS app station
- Fixed block sales/ block passes null date causing crash
- Fixed Concessions vs. Inv NonPer Cap report beign included in auto emails
- Fixed custom class rule on tickets not staying when moving performances to different auditorium
- Fixed deleted display amenities still showing on app schedule
- Fixed display text not showing on customer facing Ad display
- Fixed emails for gift card purchases
- Fixed entry amount for gift cards on webapp
- Fixed hide main item in register check box
- Fixed issue causing "no payment" to show up on deposit total report
- Fixed issue with address on ScreenVision attendance report
- Fixed issue with buying same seat, same aud, same time, same ticket, different day in same transaction
- Fixed issue with cancel button still clocking in users on timeclock
- Fixed issue with saving "print receipt on finish" setting
- Fixed messaging when pressing "Stock" button if no stations were setup to use stock
- Fixed refunded tickets not being marked as refunded in pickup status
- Fixed report header disappeared from ticket weekly report
- Fixed sales tax being properly removed when cart is cleared in webapp
- Fixed UI issue with concession item setup screen when in full screen mode
- Increased font for order and pickup receipts
- Only set ticket buttons visible if it should be on that page
- Preventing invalid theatre ID in comscore config (Must be all numbers)
- Fixed auditorium not printing correct location on tickets when change location has been used
- Fixed auditorium swap report
- Fixed cash credits applied to tickets
- Fixed crash on refund window when trying to load transactions for adding money to gift card
- Fixed default modifier initially selected when only 1 should be selected
- Fixed linked item on ticket with modifier for reserved seating not saving modifier choice and forcing user to pick again
- Fixed negative amount for closed tickets in refund window
- Fixed pay rate wiping to nothing if editing payroll punch without permission to view/change payroll info
- Fixed pickup status for refunded tickets
- Fixed refund transaction with tips showing up as positive tips in credit auth details
- Fixed reserved seating issues with swap seats/repicking seats/multiples of same seat on selling screen
- Fixed selling memberships on card with expired membership of same tier
- Fixed Star tsp receipt layout
- Fixed status on pickup tickets window showing all tickets refunded if any tickets in the transaction were refunded
- Fixed tax categories not printing values correctly on receipts
- Fixed ticket daily report film list show duplicate films
- Fixed tips via 3rd party not showing on sales log correctly
- Updated API report to include newly added APIs
- Updated hard limit of 1 year on selling advance tickets (no limit)
- Updated inventory correction window to include items deleted from station if inventory still exists
- Updated logic for switching on and off secondary monitor for ad display
- Updated saving kiosk font/display settings
- Fixed auditorium not printing correct location on tickets when change location has been used
- Fixed auditorium swap report
- Fixed cash credits applied to tickets
- Fixed crash on refund window when trying to load transactions for adding money to gift card
- Fixed default modifier initially selected when only 1 should be selected
- Fixed linked item on ticket with modifier for reserved seating not saving modifier choice and forcing user to pick again
- Fixed negative amount for closed tickets in refund window
- Fixed pay rate wiping to nothing if editing payroll punch without permission to view/change payroll info
- Fixed pickup status for refunded tickets
- Fixed refund transaction with tips showing up as positive tips in credit auth details
- Fixed reserved seating issues with swap seats/repicking seats/multiples of same seat on selling screen
- Fixed selling memberships on card with expired membership of same tier
- Fixed Star tsp receipt layout
- Fixed status on pickup tickets window showing all tickets refunded if any tickets in the transaction were refunded
- Fixed tax categories not printing values correctly on receipts
- Fixed ticket daily report film list show duplicate films
- Fixed tips via 3rd party not showing on sales log correctly
- Added ejector commands for VKP80III printers
- Added save button to Kiosk config settings
- Added webapp loyalty registration and reward redemption
- Fixed auditorium swap not finding reserved seating layout
- Fixed issue with money credits used on tickets
- Fixed issue with time initiated batch refunds
- Fixed issues with worldpay refund batches
- Fixed issues with canadian heartland checkout in webapp
- Fixed pickup status for refunded tickets under certain circumstances
- Fixed refunds with 4 digit receipt numbers
- Added ability to enable/disable required 30 minute lunch break
- Added ability to keep order manager always open
- Added ability to wave web app fees via kiosk QR code
- Added additional membership information to API2 giftcheckbalance response
- Added better error logging to API2
- Added expiration date to heartland hosted checkout credit auth request
- Added internet ticketing sales report
- Added location selector to advance ticket sales report
- Added new web reporting access for all theatres
- Added option to turn off sales on ticket hourly sales report
- Added protection against extended zip codes on heartland credit purchases
- Added QR code generator for mapping concession delivery locations
- Added support for auditorium swap with tickets sold more than 31 days ago
- Updated api2 endpoint to include ticket types and is api user is enabled
- Updated Auditorium swap feature
- Updated class rule usage in web app
- Updated Edit time punch window to fix sort for special characters
- Updated lookup by receipt number for pickup viewer to support receipt numbers with 8 digits
- Updated lookup registered card window in new web reporting to reflect update in RTS
- Updated new web reporting ticket monitor to more closely reflect RTS
- Updated order manager for online/app concessions
- Updated public key in web app for GSAP Portico
- Updated refund window to show more information
- Updated refund window to support different length confirmation numbers
- Updated refund window to support Heartland GSAP transactions
- Updated Ticket Monitor check box, not working intermittently
- Fixed changing schedule location to different schedule location in same auditorium
- Fixed disallowing customers to purchase partial group tickets
- Fixed Epson test print
- Fixed focus issue for reserved seating with linked item and with modifier pick
- Fixed general entries auto email to use time adjustment if there is one
- Fixed heartland multiuse token with stale expiration dates were not always updating
- Fixed iOS native app crashes in background
- Fixed issue with pickup ticket window marking some seats as refunded in error
- Fixed item special instructions not showing on pickup viewer under certain circumstances
- Fixed lookup registered card window error
- Fixed Password focus issue
- Fixed redeeming loyalty kitchen food item in restaurant mode did not send to kitchen
- Fixed refunds through API for closed showtimes
- Fixed some ad displays duplicating sub items
- Fixed some negative prices on selling screen not displaying correctly
- Fixed web app showing incorrect prices for tickets with linked items
- Added ability to comp membership price
- Added cash transaction filter to sales log
- Added cost columns to concession sales vs. inventory report
- Added option to turn off percent on ticket monitor
- Added option to turn on or off cost column in report settings for concession sales vs. inventory report
- Added support to heartland to update token expiration date
- Added time adjust for automatic reports when closing after midnight
- Added version date and number to location status API2 request
- Fixed ability to comp entire tab in selling screen
- Fixed API Sales Report - Fandango not returning information
- Fixed bad linked item stopping ticket sales
- Fixed blank item in concession causes touch screen to show empty spots as blank item
- Fixed combo prices not displaying correct price on ad display
- Fixed freezing when trying to comp a tab
- Fixed issue with items not appearing on order manager
- Fixed loyalty reward item being used even if transaction not completed
- Fixed refund window causing freeze when looking up internet ticket sales
- Fixed seat status blocking ability to refund
- Fixed tickets not accruing loyalty points
- Fixed web app links not opening correctly
- Updated calculations for advanced and mature sales report
- Updated calculations on concession summary report for theatres that close after midnight
- Updated order manager
- Updated SSL certificate
- Updated thee day total report totals
- Added ability to spend loyalty points in Restaurant mode
- Added ability to swap auditoriums even with tickets sold to performance
- Added better error messaging if user does not have permissions for action
- Added clarity for printing tickets in advance ticket pick up window
- Added clear card option to lookup registered card window
- Added close (x) button to seat editor window in reserved seating graphical view - if close button is cut off
- Added customer email and receipt number to API Sales Export
- Added default ports to credit card reader test
- Added discount setting and do not email checkbox to lookup registered card window
- Added Heartland adn Worldpay links to API2 markdown
- Added membership and membership expiration dates to api2 response
- Added membership tiers, costs, and check balance to api2
- Added net and gross totals to film admissions report
- Added new option to Tip Report - details by day
- Added new report - membership sales
- Added new tab to Sales Monitor for concession items
- Added online concession sales via RTN
- Added online location status info to api2
- Added option to film info window to block passes before specific date
- Added option to use RTS email server for communications
- Added page break for each employee option to Tip Report
- Added percent of auditorium occupancy to ticket monitor report
- Added refund capability to web app
- Added refund settings to app configuration
- Added restriction to PAX transaction if no gateway id
- Added support for membership sales made via API2
- Added support for point adjustment based on membership level
- Added support for refunds to ticket and ordered made via web app
- Added support for single seat warning (on/off) and new gift cards to api2
- Added support for spendable points inquiry to api
- Added support to pick up ticket function for order pickup
- Fixed age verified message not clearing off register if sign in timed out
- Fixed app showing empty prompt if modifier has no choice
- Fixed cash tip amount entry updating credit tips in close tab station window
- Fixed fingerprint reader on log in to disallow multiple windows opening
- Fixed issue with credit card auths for stored cards via API2
- Fixed item filter on app menu configuration
- Fixed multiple item setup duplicate name check
- Fixed refresh interval for new web reporting - ticket monitor
- Fixed reopening tabs with nonsecure cards
- Fixed RTN charging shipping fees for virtual gift cards
- Fixed showtime schedule separate days report not showing times
- Changed ability to add or remove items to register while credit card is processing
- Changed backups - limit if low disk space
- Updated batch details report on deposit total to include negative tip amounts
- Updated heartland hosted checkout if token is expired
- Added internet fee to API2 sales tax check
- Added preliminary changes for custom QR codes for app deeplinks
- Fixed error with API sales report if no APIs configured
- Fixed issue with barcodes for classic apps
- Fixed issues with menus on reserved seat picker screen
- Fixed title summary on deposit total report not calculating tax correctly for refunds
- Updated concession summary report calculations for deposits closed after midnight
- Added 2 new showtime schedule reports
- Added ability to delete blank items for concession item list
- Added better error messaging if trying to add a loyalty card that already exists
- Added better messaging for gift card fulfilment if fulfilment is offsite
- Added credit batch summary and credit batch details report to the pre-deposit report
- Added delay on keypress for Kiosk to disable screensaver
- Added discount setting support to registration on API2
- Added max value for change item amount on selling screen
- Added option to auto prompt for customer phone number during sale
- Added password verification to manually adding custom comps from restaurant mode
- Added phone number support to API2 register loyalty cards
- Added report option to separate tax1 and tax2 on deposit total report
- Added RTS epson ticket center performance layout
- Added sales amount to hourly sales report
- Added schedule report/export to group showtimes weekly by title
- Added search and subtotals to concession summary report
- Added seat counts to occupancy report
- Added subtotal lines to Advanced Ticket Report
- Added Tax and CustomerCode to Datacap EMV transaction requests
- Added timeout override to heartland hosted checkout transaction submission
- Fixed API2 reward credit adjustments
- Fixed concession only station - ticket amount buttons showing
- Fixed issue when calculation the hour columns on ticket monitor
- Fixed issue with 1 printing on some tickets
- Fixed issues with voiding to magcard
- Fixed modifiers in restaurant mode
- Fixed new web reporting report download options
- Fixed open cash drawer request - prompt for password/fingerprint
- Fixed register mag card screen from selling screen - made top level
- Fixed ticket daily web report error
- Fixed time clock payroll report when departments are entered with mixed cases
- Fixed wheelchair disclaimer not displaying properly
- Updated (new) web reporting dashboard
- Updated card capture signature requirement settings
- Updated change amount button to change quantity for clarity
- Updated change amount buttons to prevent changing to zero
- Updated compact usher schedule - if too many showtimes, cannot use compact error messaging
- Updated date range calculations for API sales report
- Updated discount display on selling screen
- Updated film setup window
- Updated Heartland hosted configuration window
- Updated kiosk to not print merchant copy
- Updated logic for showing ticket prices on selling screen
- Updated lookup registered card window
- Updated mag card remote password window
- Updated new RTN concessions
- Updated pin required prompt for gift card balance on webserver
- Updated process for manually entering credit cards
- Updated registration rewards for loyalty cards
- Updated station item setup window
- Updated Usher App
- Updated usher schedule report - sorting
- Added a Card Lookup button to the Enter Card Window
- Added ability to "Sort by Hour" of showtime in Ticket Monitor
- Added more customization to Time Clock Daily and Time Clock Employee Reports
- Added new button in the Table Service mode that allows the user to access the Order Manager
- Added new Concessions Total Report to RTS and Web Reporting
- Added new form that allows users to display only sold seats and moved the sold seat check into the background options
- Added new options in the Ticket Class Rule Setup Window
- Added the ability to remove linked items when removing the associated ticket
- Added the ability to scan a barcode when adding a card into the register
- Added two new reports into Web Reporting: Screenvision Attendance and Three Day Totals
- Improved ability to track fee handling in restaurant mode for reports
- Improved clarity on the total amount of time output in all Time Clock Reports
- Improved functionality of assigning and deleting linked items - users cannot assign deleted items or delete items currently assigned as linked items
- Improved security by adding recaptcha to the multiple purchase page for Internet Ticketing
- Improved security when ordering tickets in Web App by adding recaptcha in Worldpay Hosted Checkout pages
- Improved the appearance and layout of all forms associated with Time Clock Reports
- Improved usability to the Ticket Price Setup Menu
- Imrpoved the layout and functionality of the Order Manager
- Updated the Registered Card Lookup form to make card selection easier
- Added a "Cost" column to inventory reports
- Added a captcha to any unsecure connections that open credit card entry pages
- Added a configuration for deep link in Mobile Moviegoing for showtime feed
- Added a new Order Manager button within the Selling screen
- Added a pre-authorization capture in Form Movie Tickets for Heartland HC if a user initilializes a closing batch
- Added a pre-authorization capture to Heartland HC processing
- Added ability for users to use Heartland CC configuration menus Test Feature by inputting values into form
- Added ability to export inventory for Optimum
- Added ability to see how long an item has been placed on hold in an order tab
- Added an alert that prompts the user to make sure they know they are removing a show time sign
- Added automatic IP blocking after three failed attempts to use a credit card
- Added dropdowns for date selection in the Microsoft Dynamic Export Form
- Added pre-authorization and pre-authorization capture to Heartland HC for exact batch settlement
- Added protection in-order to stop any duplicate order check-ins
- Added reCaptcha when checking out in Heartland HC
- Added Shift and Receipt Number endpoints to the API
- Added support for credit card refunds in RTS API
- Added support for Heartland HC users to initialize batch
- Added the ability for API to store Heartland HC tokens
- Added the ability to add concession items that exceed $1,000, but alerts the user to confirm this is correct
- Added the ability to create a subtotal within Item Setup
- Added the ability to Remote Assist through Zoho
- Added the ability to rename auditoriums and prevent users from removing auditoriums that contain sales
- Added the ability to support non-standard hostnames in Internet Sync
- Added two new search bars in Station Item Setup. One for the list of station items and one for the list of main items
- Added updates and improved functionality to the Remote Assist Form
- Fixed any errors that occured when trying to clone a ticket class rule
- Fixed API issue when refunding gift cards containing a low balance
- Fixed API issue with the customer email not being stored during transactions
- Fixed API issues when verifying refunds and redeeming gift cards
- Fixed duplicate entries that were displayed in the Station Inventory Report
- Fixed error that occurred when creating new subtotals from the Item Setup Window
- Fixed error that occurred when registering gift cards at a magnetic card server
- Fixed incorrect total in Authorization report when locations switch to Heartland HC
- Fixed issue with hidden seats on the internet still appearing as available on the app
- Fixed issue with loaylty points not being added to transactions in restaurant mode
- Fixed issue with the Print Receipt prompt sometimes appearing on a secondary monitor
- Fixed issue with the Save button in Item Setup not being enabled when the proper inputs are changed
- Fixed issue with transaction fees not accounting for sub item discounts
- Fixed issues with logging credit cards from Heartland into the internet log
- Fixed issues with white text not appearing on Heartland HC checkout entry page
- Fixed layout issues in the Microsoft Dynamics Window
- Fixed memory leak issues that occurred when disconnecting TLS connection
- Fixed the issue with credit card surcharges not being calculated properly
- Fixed the Order Manager to no longer default to opening current orders when starting
- Fixed the pricing issue when submitting a POST request containing a concession item to the API
- Fixed the Remote Assist Form from allowing user to bypass entering 9-digit code by pressing enter
- Improved the layout of timeclock receipts to fix issues with certain printers cutting content off
- Renamed the "Expire" field in the Super Saver Setup Form to "Expire (days)" to improve clarity that the field reflects the number of days and not a date
- The "Back" button within the Advanced Ticket Search has been changed to "Pickup List" to better reflect its functionality
- The online order search now includes orders created within the Order Manager
- Updated the direct emailing setup to be more readable
- Updated the Gift Cards Import with large CSV files
- Updated the Tech Code Generation to use MD5 and relavant windows now display both the new and old codes
- Added duplicate account protection to the web server password window
- Added Estimate Pickup Time filter to Open Orders
- Added Estimate Pickup Time filter to Open Orders
- Added protection to prevent various focus related issues
- Added the ability to create subtotals from the Item Setup window
- Added the ability to create subtotals from the Item Setup window
- Added validation before removing signs from the digital signage configuration window
- Added Zoho Remote Assist
- Added Zoho Remote Assist
- Fixed credit surcharges not being calcualted correctly
- Fixed issues with Item Setups Save button not enabling properly
- Fixed various issues realted to window focus
- Resolved issue causing emails to be dropped when submitted via API transactions with no payment
- Resolved issue that caused registration errors when registering loyalty members
- Resolved issue causing the item price from being included on the APIv2 concitem request
- Resolved issue causing the Item Setup - Save button to sometimes not enable properly
- Resolved issue causing transaction fees to exclude sub items
- Fixed credit surcharges not being calcualted correctly
- Updated wording on Advance Ticket Search back button
- Added new ticket layout
- Added the ability to submit/include last 4 of payment into API2 purchase request for enhanced pickup options
- Fixed issues with void payments on failure
- Fixed token reporting issues
- Optimized credit card logging to increase efficiency
- Optimized database connection pull management
- Optimized internet ticketing log for increased effifiency
- Optimized kiosk exit method when in pickup mode
- Resolved issue with WorldPay response Log
- Resolved issues with backup file permissions
- Resolved issues with Sales Log showing duplicate trasactions
- Updated IP address security
- Updated menu signs preventing unneccesary update requests
- Updated online gift card fullfilment
- Added base for updated kiosk interface
- Added global setting to force use of windows DNS settings
- Added QR code display for easy customer card registration on web
- Added signalR server communications
- Added support for picking up tickets when masked card numbers with 8 digit bins are sent in by fandango
- Added supprt for sending items to remote fill printers when purchased via APIv1
- Updated Focus on Multi-Add gift card when ad display is enabled.
- Updated hollywood software to use the RTS DNS Server
- Updated ISC250 MSR swipe prompt from opening when doing advanced pickup search
- Updated kiosk exit method
- Updated method used for skipping the buffer check after the bypass has already been accepted.
- Updated MS dynamics to support checkbooks exports
- Updated the default subtotal used when creating a new item
- updated the pickup viewer to include station 99 as an available station for display
- Updated the point redeemed sales item to use the configured settings
- Added ability to pickup tickets using only the last four digits of the credit card when purchased via Hosted checkout
- Added App header picture to database
- Added currently logged in employee name to table service interface
- Added EBOR option for using Short Title
- Added firebase file to RTS servers
- Added hourly ticket log report
- Added internal DNS Cache to RTS
- Added item and subtotal sync option to the Auto Data Transfer Config
- Added loyalty signup web app
- Added percap and item default pricing to APIv2 menu response
- Added popup to alert for no available tickets on the RTS App
- Added printer layouts for the Star mPOP printer
- Added QR code display for easier customer registration
- Added report for time clock questionaire
- Added Send button to table service interface
- Added the ability to earn points from the concession purchases on the RTS App
- Added the ability to enable/disable an RTS App menu and/or RTS App menu item
- Added third party REST authentication interface
- Fixed drop down selection for the DateTimePicker on Advanced Pickup Search Window
- Fixed prompt for phone number not enabling properly from new item setup window
- Optimized credit card scam protection
- Updated amount entry window to display center screen on primary monitor
- Updated locationID for APIv2 return requests
- Updated Numero to use the Rentrak reporting filter
- Updated procedure used to verify ticket availability on the RTS App
- Updated the kiosk to support transaction fees
- Updated procedure used to verify ticket availability on the RTS App
- Updated the ticket pickup procedure for combining tickets in drive in mode
- Updated the transaction logs to store the debit change amount for gift cards
- Added API support for using preloaded third party gift cards
- Added Automatic data transfers to Corporate database
- Added Classification System
- Added customer phone number entry to E2E checkout page
- Added loading status to shift total window
- Added support for preloading third party gift cards
- Added support for third party gift cards on virtual gift card sales
- Added terminal ID to the PrintReceipt Datacap request
- Added the ability to include open sales on the ticket hourly report
- Corrected various grammatical errors
- Fixed issue causing duplicate pickups when print outs from the advanced pickup search window
- Fixed issue preventing the point exchange rates from saving properly
- Optimized Memory usage of the RTS Internet Server
- Optimized the charge by token procedure
- Removed remote support installation from the RTS tree
- Updated showtimes XML to use https links by default
- Updated the advanced pickup search - adding Customer name and phone number to the lookup
- Updated the API refund request to better support individual seat pricing
- Updated the cashregister to pull focus if possible before opening the register card window
- Updated the confirmation email to include the auditorium number
- Updated the employee discount values to be assigned to the individual items instead of the main item
- Updated the EMV - Load Parameter procedure to check for a connection before submitting the request
- Updated the internet ticket email to support multiple film purchases in the same transaction
- Updated the method used for storing and updating the stored payments in the table service interface
- Updated the report name of Weekly Ticket Report when more than one location is included in report
- Updated the time initiated batch to group by Merchant ID
- Updated the TSYS credit card test procedure
- Upgraded the Internet Server to use TLS 1.3
- Added an option to translate the "Buffer" seat type to "sold"
- Added copy and paste to app availability days
- Added password permission for the App Order Manager window
- Added Paypal Payment item to the system by default
- Added protection to the backup restoring procedure
- Added protection to the deposit recap to avoid duplicate entries
- Added Sales Tax to the customer facing display
- Added support for First Data - Ingenico Lane 3000
- Added the midnight rollover to the E2E show schedule
- Fixed problem causing ticket rewards to be added as items
- Increased the size and usability of the gift fulfillment center configuration window
- Made several QoL changes to the item cost configuration window.
- Updated the Device type assigned to Chase Lane 3000
- Updated the error handling for gift fulfillment when using fulfillment center
- Updated the legacy RTS receipts to support the spendable point program
- Updated the method used for redeeming super savers
- updated the mobile redirect for Mercury Hosted Checkout
- Added a captcha for non-secure credit card checkout page
- Added a captcha for secure credit card checkout page
- Added a customer name setting to the auditorium place
- Added amount adjustment to the create - Gift Certificate window
- Added delay when printing to FGL printer due to failed/dropped tickets
- Added location name and RTN to the physical gift fulfillment notification email
- Added protection to the Practical/Boca prints on Windows 10 after a recent windows update
- Added support for Chase - Ingenico Lane 3000 through Datacap
- Updated certificate
- Updated the chromecast window to have a confirmation prompt when changing the selected sign
- Updated the procedure used to close a batch when the classic DSIClientX is not installed.
- Added an option for users to change the font size in the register
- Added preliminary EMV Pre auth for future merchant initiated batching
- Added support for low resolution epson printing for built in slow printers
- Added the ability to remove fees during the transaction in register
- Fixed issue causing the transaction in the sales log to not record Mastercard types correctly when used in Heartland Hosted
- Enabled test feature for classic TSYS credit cards
- Optimized the TLS connection procedure for Capturing Hosted checkout transactions
- Updated RTS to use the RTS TLS 1.2 Library for Heartland Hosted checkout
- Updated the FTP export timeout when attempting to export to a slow FTP server.
- Updated the Multiple Item Setup window to include a status column to display if the item is hidden or not.
- Added additional logging for failed credit card transfer during batch submissions
- Added API level and company ID settings for auto config API2 users
- Added Food and Beverage App Sales API
- Added HTML signs to Chromecast config window
- Added support for earning Spendable points as an alternative to the RTS Loyalty Ladder system
- Added the ability to configure spendable points exchange rates for points to Dollar
- Added the ability to earn points as a registration reward
- Added various quality of life changes to the Ticket Price Window
- Fixed Auto Restart setting to better support non-US datetime formatting
- Fixed Honduras boxoffice report crash
- Fixed problem causing the Concession Summary report to crash based on the group selection
- Fixed problem causing the ticket setup window to sometimes not save properly
- Fixed problem causing the tip config window to not save properly
- Fixed TicketSelected failure when attempting to pick a seat when the seat is using seat price codes
- Blocked saving Vantiv hosted checkout unless a successful test has been completed.
- Made several menu choice changes to minimize unnecessary menu choices
- Moved the bonus ticket configuration into the ticket setup window
- Optimized the kiosk idle timer
- optimized the application to reduce executable size
- Optimized the mag card - bonus points window to better support additional options.
- Updated RTS - Windows XP support for TLS 1.2 when possible. Adding CA certificate
- Updated the admission formatting on the Gross Summary report
- Updated the EMVReturn request to include the cardtype
- Updated the Paypal payment procedure
- Updated the register to include spendable point total if in spendable points enabled. Ignoring the ability to earn points
- Updated the Register to support additional Mag card choices when double clicking the card in register
- Updated the Register to support swiping items to remove them from the register.
- Updated the registration lookup window to include the spendable points when in spendable points interface
- Updated the RTS TLS 1.2 Library for MercuryPay Hosted checkout
- updated the show schedule to highlight a performance that does not have any tickets enabled
- Updated the sign viewer startup to detect sign server IP without using the configuration
- Updated the ticket daily performance to account for differing seat counts when generating the performance summary report
- Added Protection to the calculate cash procedure in Tab Management
- Added EMV partial approval support for First Data
- Added preliminary support for in App QR scanning
- Added protection to prevent the Ad Display from using the primary screen
- Added protection to the google public key database write
- Added protection to the restaurant load seat procedure when no seats exist on the layout
- Added support for IE11 emulation for RTS sign viewers
- Added sync protection to the host.ini write procedure
- Added the ability to override the backup file path
- Fixed concession summary crash when attempting to run by date with non-US regional date time settings
- Fixed RTS crashing when prompting the user with available ticket credits that require multiple pages
- Fixed auto restart setting when using a non-US date time format
- Fixed Digital signage should set 1280x720 for new ad display signs
- Fixed empty message prompt on card transfer procedure
- Fixed HTTP Header Max-Age Syntax
- Fixed issue causing an RTS restart when selecting Timeclock - Special
- Fixed problem causing finger print registration to restart RTS
- Fixed problem causing RTS to sometime crash when initializing a secure card reader on startup
- Fixed radius buffering incorrectly failing when accounting for broken seats
- Fixed RTS crash when copying a schedule with an invalid date
- Adjusted the credit card configuration interface - Adjusting label and text field sizes
- Digital Signage - enable ad display graphic list when not editing
- Removed the legacy item setup and clone item menu options
- Removed the requirement to add money when submitting an API "New Gift Card" request
- Removed Unsupported App payment options from the app configuration window
- Updated the app to check for seat buffer violations before submitting the credit card payment
- Updated the chromecast status report to use the discovery time
- Updated the connection name rename when using search local servers to use the database name
- Updated the Encryption for initial RTS password generation
- Updated the network location configuration to automatically enable multiple servers when adding additional connections
- Updated the password configuration window to show current user
- Updated the reserved seat refresh procedure to include buffer seats
- Updated the RTN ticket amount selection to reflect the remaining seats on the performance when less than the default ticket limit
- Updated the time clock employee report to include the employee number
- Updated the verbiage on the chromecast management window
- Updated the verbiage on the replace desktop setting in local computer
- Added additional logging for JWT Token failures
- Added additional support for variable accounting items for Money Credit Redemption
- Added additional troubleshooting information to the email failed status window
- Added database support for point change logging
- Added multiple quality of life changes to the EMV reader assignment procedure
- Added option to mask the "hassold" node in the showtimes xml
- Added protection to digital signage startup when the server has not loaded completely
- Added protection to the Database Utilities - Pack feature
- Added the mag card point change amount to the sales log database
- Fixed problem causing the Web Report - Card Details Report to not work when using "Cards Used Before Date" option
- Enabled postgres keepalive for stale database connections
- Optimized foreign key variance between different database tables
- Optimized the database maintenance for cleaning old log records
- removed stored procedures - embedded return values from the postgres log
- RTS will now disable the taskbar on all screens when the secondary monitor is enabled in RTS for reserved seating
- RTS will now Open domain and private network firewalls for EMV processor if executable is on disk
- Updated Digital Signage to reflect the correct item price when using custom pricing
- Updated the control used for the built in RTS Query Builder
- Updated the license error to allow the user to enable the station for sales from the selling screen.
- Updated the license error to be more descriptive
- Updated the method used for determining if a seat is actually sold during a seat buffer calculation
- Updated the methods used for storing and tracking outstanding windows updates.
- Updated the naming scheme used for RTS backup files
- Updated the online loyalty interface to support spendable point program
- Updated the pickup viewer and restaurant order display to properly wrap the instructions when needed.
- Updated the postgres log files to include the connection address, connection port and disconnect entries
- Updated the Seat Swap procedure to block seat swaps when the seat in question has not been picked up
- Updated the verbiage on the concession item menu options.
- Updated the way Buffer seat warnings interact with the single seat warnings
- Updated TLS certificate verification process
- Added a captcha to the RTS website contact us page
- Added a password permission to allow/prevent users from changing the showtime or title on open and sold performances
- Added support for mDNS
- Added support for TSYS hosted Checkout
- Added support for various web security headers required for PCI Compliance
- Added the ability to print a timeclock summary upon clockout
- Added TLS 1.2 support to the RTS Emailer
- RTS will now remove Chromecast from the cache when communication fails
- Fixed pickup number not being included when picking up with confirmation number
- Fixed problem causing App questions and responses to sometimes not be included on the kitchen display and remote order printouts
- Fixed problem causing RTS to crash whe loading online gift sales
- Fixed problem causing RTS to return a null reference error when calling "GetSeatingChart" via the API
- Fixed RTS auto update when google DNS is blocked on the network
- Fixed the item selection on Concession Summary report in Web Reporting
- Updated mDNS to no longer detect Chromecast Groups
- Updated RTS to resize custom images before importing into the database
- Updated the internal procedure for fulfilling physical gift cards
- Updated the IP Reflector check procedure to stop checking once a change is detected
- Updated the method used for storing and updating the Google Public Keys
- Updated the order manager to include the ticket sales on app orders that include both tickets and concessions
- Updated the procedure used to submit manual gift card submissions to the database
- Updated the RTS copyright date
- Updated the RTS SQL builder - Enabling the expression display
- Optimized the preorder loading procedures
- Added a masked email to the sales log transaction summary
- Added additional error handling to the gift card fulfillment process. Specifically for returning informative messages on failure.
- Added additional support for swiping AppSuite gift cards
- Added an On Screen Keyboard option to the RTS Help menu.
- Added an option to force a check in after order submission based on the pickup method selected.
- Added better error handling to the Worldpay Hosted Payments Custom CSS request
- Added global default header config for internet server http responses
- Added IPP320 EMV reader support support for Datacap-Chase
- Added mag card routing information to the RTS system reporting
- Added mDNS for additional Chromecast support
- Added protection against WorldPay HC Zip option of "No Format" returning "00000"
- Added support for script tags in the <head> element of RTN pages
- Added support for shared email addresses on the Usher App
- Added support for WorldPay Hosted Checkout page styling
- Added the ability to export and import individual sign configurations
- Added the RTS Cloud Backup to all new installs. Configuration Required.
- Added tracking information to RTS Email send.
- Fixed Focus Issue on Multiple Item Setup Window
- Fixed problem causing the Multiple Item Setup Window to not reload properly on subtotal changes.
- Fixed problem voiding tickets after the auditorium total seat count has been updated.
- Fixed the Selling - ticket selection not working when more than 1 General Place is available for the Schedule Location
- Fixed the sorting on Web Reporting - Ticket Monitor. This fixed the broken total in the summary section
- Made multiple database adjustments to support future Loyalty program
- Migrated the RTS Plugin directly into RTS to support more frequent updates and additions
- Optimized our association between customers and transaction for better tracking
- Removed the buffer seat warning when voiding tickets.
- Update the Digital Signage - Showtimes sign to account for the auditorium when filtering duplicate performances.
- Updated method used to detect whether a voided ticket was due to a seat swap
- Updated Online Gift Card pages to support viewport meta tag and additional JS
- Updated the amount adjustment on sub items to not modify based on its parent item
- Updated the google backup error reporting when backups are deleted.
- Updated the IP address in the sales log to use Postgres inet datatype
- updated the Open Interface Schedule request to return the remaining tickets adjusted for the sold out setting.
- Updated the RTN page to prevent old Display Amenities from being used.
- Updated the RTN selling interface to hide unnecessary payment types when the balance is zero.
- Updated the RTS Bulk Mag Card Transfer procedure to load and sort the available items for transfer
- Updated the RTS Plugin to support future loyalty program functionality
- Updated WorldPay Hosted checkout to better support custom CSS
- Added form to Local Computer for downloading and installing additional Datacap Controls.
- Added preliminary database changes for future loyalty program support.
- Added support for 3rd party gift cards to online physical gift card fulfillment
- Added TSYS Hosted Checkout Support
- Fixed problem causing legacy credit card payments to fail when active x control is not installed
- Fixed problem causing the broken seat status gets overwritten by locks when loading reserved seat layouts
- Updated the App auto check in to check for unanswered questions before committing the check in.
- Updated the grouping used to consolidate the app orders before submitting them for fulfillment.
- Updated the method used for storing and authenticating Google Apps
- Updated the page header text for the TSYS hosted checkout page
- Updated the successful app purchase response to include checkin status
- Added a Ping Log to help troubleshoot network connectivity issues.
- Added a title length limitation to the Showtime by Start/End Receipt report
- Added additional troubleshooting methods for Digital Signage and Chromecasts
- Added barcode scanner configuration instructions to the RTS Wiki
- Added general support for NCR 2x20 rear displays
- Added mantainance checks for disk space management
- Added protection to the Edit Registration from to prevent invalid date of birth submission
- Fixed the Add Money procedure - It no longer prompts for EMV card swipe on an amount submission.
- Fixed the Web Report - Weekly Deposit Recap settings not reflecting on the report properly
- Updated radius seat buffering to support X and Y values
- Updated RTS support for legacy Boca 2x3.25 receipt/ticket printing
- Updated the refund procedure for items that have the phone number prompt enabled.
- Added additional error handling for loading reserved seating assets on Safari.
- Added an option to clone the enabled API ticket(s) when adding a new API user.
- Added an option to directly download and install the Datacap and EMV device drivers from the local computer window.
- Added an option to extend the display to the secondary monitor.
- Added protection to the edit registration form to prevent the software from crashing when saving an invalid date.
- Added protection to the EMV test and setup procedure to prevent testing First Data EMV without a Lane ID.
- Added protection to the transaction fee editor to prevent the creation of duplicate fees.
- Added support for additional computer, EMV Device, and Processor type detection.
- Added support for Datacap - Chase - IPP320.
- Added the ability to update the title of any given historical performance. (Actions - Database Utilities - Translate Titles)
- Added TSYS EMV devices to the time initiated batch procedure.
- Fixed problem causing the food and beverage fees to not save properly on the mobile app configuration.
- Update the procedure used to assign an image to the online gift card configuration window.
- Updated the Heartland ecomm billing and postal verification.
- Updated the Labor Cost report to use the general timeclock report permission.
- Updated the old performance scheduler to properly change the auditorium when only a single performance is being updated.
- Updated the permissions used on the time clock edit window for payroll settings.
- Updated the radius seat buffering to support x and Y values.
- Updated the remote support procedure for ease of use across multiple operating systems.
- Updated the web server password window to automatically select a user when the window loads.
- Added a wiki link to local computer for card reader drivers.
- Added error protection to the loyalty registration window for invalid birth dates.
- Added protection to pre order processing to avoid duplicate items during transaction reattempts.
- Added protection to prevent invalid/unsupported custom film images from being imported.
- Added support for gift cards on ingenico devices. (New Control Required).
- Added support for menu sign item mapping for automatically update names and prices.
- Added the ability to test the hosted checkout settings without accessing the secure setting.
- Fixed problem causing the reserved seat graphical window to crash when loading buffer seats.
- Fixed the discount list not loading properly on the password group window.
- Updated the order window to support the auto logoff procedures.
- Updated the print delay on Boca 2x3.25 Style 2 to only apply to non-direct print jobs.
- Updated the reserved seating layouts in app to support assets with overlays.
- Added duplicate entry protection to the pickup method and schedule group save procedure
- Added protection for non-indexed image types on reserved seating graphical
- Added RTS App to the pickup viewer station filter list
- Added support for radius seat buffering
- Added the ability to enable/disable the transaction fee on ticket net and ticket tax.
- Added wiki link to email troubleshooting on email config window
- Fixed duplicate item entries in current.inventoryconc
- Fixed issue causing the customer diplay not showing broken seats.
- Fixed issue with the date time picker on various forms.
- Fixed problem causing the manual point reason to not be written to the database.
- Fixed problem causing the station items to not be added properly when moving the entire list
- Fixed reserved seats not preventing oversell (only applicable when limiting a sales to an auditorium VS enabled reserved seats)
- Removed file server checkbox from restart software form.
- Removed the accepted card type restrictions from setup credit cards.
- Renamed Sell / Display to "Third Party" Sell / Display
- Updated the concession item sort order window and sorting method.
- Updated the display image used for Buffer Seats
- Updated the mag card detail report to use the created date when available.
- Updated the Mercury Pay Batching procedure to accept a zero batch number.
- Updated the method used to check seat counts when changing a layout under setup - auditoriums.
- Updated the verbiage on the signature prompt credit card setting.
- Updated the weekly summary report to ignore the time adjustment when compiling the daily shows.
- Added an option to force old credit receipt formats when using EMV
- Added better error logging/reporting to the Clutch procedures
- Added protection to the Clear Layout option in Reserved Seating
- Added refund/rollback for Clutch cards that failed to process
- Added SNI name property to the HTTP Client
- Fixed App config not allowing you to delete a pickup method.
- Fixed cancel not prompting with manual cc entry response on Verifone P400.
- Fixed Clutch activation process for inactive cards
- Fixed Clutch adjust balance request.
- Fixed Ingenico ISC250 signature failed when card removed.
- Fixed problem causing the pickup method assigned to a pickup question to not be displayed
- Fixed Tip Share report - Preventing multiple shifts from causing the shared sales from duplicating
- Refactored the EMV Cancelled Response Check to better support varying Cancel responses
- Removed Out of Date screen control options from the RTS Menu
- Removed the File Server option from the "Switch To" Menu
- Updated Gift Card Detail report to properly show issue date if available
- Updated RTS to check for and prevent the computer name change when on a domain
- Updated the method used to delete pickup methods that have orders associated with them.
- Updated XP TLS to support different ciphers and SNI
- Added a new keyboard input for the Timeclock Inquiry Submission
- Added a question prompt to the employee time clock punch change (clock in / clock out, etc)
- Added a verification prompt before allowing an employee to finish a tab when the payment total is greater than the transaction total
- Added additional functions for creating and returning customer loyalty data
- Added an option to skip group seats when calculating buffer seats
- Added clarification to the App pickup method configuration - available with tickets present setting
- Added RTN Policy Configuration
- Added the ability to configure questions that will be ask when the user changes a time clock punch (clock in / clock out, etc)
- Fixed app pickup barcode formatting
- Fixed Capitalized keywords in HTML/JS
- Fixed issue causing combined tabs to not include all captured cards in the payment window.
- FIxed problem causing RTS to restart when item routing - item selection is changed.
- Fixed problem causing the updated policy configuration to not save properly
- Made visual adjustments to the RTN Policy display
- Modified procedure used to determine seat buffering in API calls
- Removed duplicate App - Schedule Groups from the database and added protection to prevent this going forward.
- Removed duplicate item submissions when checking in during the app purchase procedures
- Removed the legacy "purchase terms" from the RTN Settings window
- Removed unnecessary tags from the refund policy text
- Updated Clutch baseURL to allow for tested
- Updated Digital Signage to accept WEBM or MP4 files
- Updated method used to lock seats through API
- Updated the Actual Deposit and Over/Under formatting on server closeout window.
- Updated the buffer seat to allow up to 5 spaces from 3.
- Updated the currency formatting on the tab station management windows
- Updated the Daily Sales Summary - Batch details to include the tips
- Updated the ecommerce test credit card credentials
- Updated the procedure used for pulling inventory for App item sales
- Updated the seat buffer default value in the seat buffer configuration
- Added "Server Balance" to the server cashout report
- Added a Net Sales and Tax Sales to the server close out window.
- Added a No Touch - Ticket Pickup option for Kiosk
- Added additional logging to the app credit card procedures.
- Added additional protection to the mobile order check in procedure - preventing multiple check in submissions
- Added an option to the pickup methods - preventing the availability if tickets are included on the transaction
- Added an updated method for sorting orders in the order manager window
- Added better customer-facing error messages when reserved seating on the app is misconfigured.
- Added filter to remove app item groups that have no items assigned
- Added FirstData RapidConnect, EVO, and TSYS VOLT to the time initiated batch procedure.
- Added order check-in support to all advanced ticket - pickup procedures.
- Added pickup questions to the App response
- Added preliminary changes for Timeclock Punch Inquiries
- Added protection to the item creation procedure preventing extra spaces being added to the item name
- Added restrictions to the Reserved Seating Layout Names
- Added support for automatic order check-ins for mobile app purchases.
- Added support for custom app web sites and fixed the "require account for conc sales" check
- Added support for World Pay - Verifone P400 EMV Reader
- Added Table Change checking for App Menu, App Config, and App Order changes
- Fixed App concession sales when not logged in with verified users.
- Fixed issue causing RTS to not properly prompt for wheelchair and handicap verification
- Fixed problem causing App Menu Item selection to check unassigned items by default.
- Fixed problem causing app sales to fail when using custom tax items
- Fixed problem causing some app item sales to not be included in the sales reports.
- Fixed Signature prompt on ISC250
- Fixed Sorting for pickup method, arrival time, and estimate pickup time
- Adjusted the formatting for the pickup data on the confirmation emails
- Changed the concession pickup number formatting
- Optimized the user interface for creating an App Menu.
- Removed the concession pickup QR code from the confirmation email
- Updated how the buffer seats are displayed on the RTN page
- Updated the barcode configuration window to no longer display deleted items unless they have a barcode assigned.
- Updated the Buffer Seat Display on standard RTS selling interface
- Updated the Confirmation Email subject line if no tickets are present on the transaction
- Updated the copy schedule procedure - preventing duplicate tickets from being added when multiple places are configured.
- Updated the method used to save concession item images.
- Updated the notification in restaurant for partial authorization transactions
- Updated the Pickup Method Clone procedure to support various new pickup method settings
- Updated the procedure for manually checking in orders from the app order management window
- Updated the Register Card window to auto center
- Updated the Seat Buffer configuration Formatting
- Updated the Seat Buffer seat grouping to support varying seat types
- Updated the Seat Swap procedure to better support Buffer Seating
- Added a configuration for adding questions to your pickup methods
- Added a display name and description to the pickup method configuration
- Added a new confirmation window for assigning an EMV card reader
- Added an option to prompt for conc sales after ticket purchase
- Added an option to reverse row description on reserved seating layout configuration
- Added an Order Management Window under Actions - Orders
- Added chime to the order manager window when a guest checks in
- Added food and beverage fee configuration (RTS App)
- Added location pickup restrictions
- Added pickup radius restrictions for online order pickup
- Added StoryCode node to schedule XML (Feed and API)
- Added support for 3rd party gift cards to RTS App
- Added support for additional EMV card readers
- Added support for concession sales tax to the online item sales
- Added support for First Data and EVO EMV readers through datacap
- Added support for submitting an online order for later fulfillment
- Added the ability to assign a schedule to a pickup method for online item sales
- Added the ability to check in upon arrival to pickup an online order
- Added the ability to configure an online item sales availability schedule
- Added the ability to configure pickup methods for online item sales
- Added the ability to enable/disable each day individually on a pickup schedule
- Added the ability to mark an order as completed on the order manager window
- Added the ability to print a receipt from the order manager window
- Added the ability to sort pickup methods
- Added the online items sales information to the confirmation email
- Added the purchased tickets data to the preorder when applicable
- Added unique pickup number to the online item sales transaction
- added various configuration properties for online item sales support
- Added various database changes for online item sales support
- Added various error handling to the app sales procedures
- Added various logs for TSYS certification process
- Added various logs to track down intermittent Heartland hosted checkout payment issues
- Fixed problem with API seat buffer verification
- Fixed various issues with saving/loading/displaying data for the order manager
- Fixed wireless printer support for new secure card reader configuration
- Changed app to use custom and default seat buffering message
- Optimized our existing EMV credit card support
- Optimized the method used for refreshing the order manager window
- Refactored the preorder loading procedure
- Updated confirmation email to better support sales tax with multiple tax tables
- Updated Seat Buffering to support hidden seats
- Updated the backend procedure used to handle the usher app login
- Updated the item sales formatting on the confirmation email
- Added preliminary changes for submitting a preorder into the sales transaction
- Added preliminary changes for AppSuite gift card integration
- Added preliminary changes for ShowtimeAnalytics
- Added a menu item cache to the App Preorder
- Added preliminary changes for TLS 1.3 support
- Added Support for Seat Buffering to help facilitate the varying Social Distancing Guidelines
- Optimized the method used for adding support for future EMV Devices and processors
- Updated SSL Certificates
- Added additional batch related data to the batch failure logs
- added additional error handling to the change user procedure when managing tabs
- Added additional error handling to the enter new gift card procedure
- added additional error handling to the Mondifier Setup window
- Added additional error handling to the Transfer Card procedure
- Added additional logging and error handling tothe server closeout procedure
- Added additional logging to the Heartland Hosted checkout card type assignment
- Added invalid date protection to the Boxoffice Report window.
- Added null reference protection to the API mag card registration procedure
- Added PayPal support to the RTS API
- Added paypal support to the RTS APP
- Added support for directly backing up RTS to a Google Drive
- Added support for PayPal curency conversion rates
- Added support for TSYS Summit ISC250 EMV Reader
- Added the ability to change the text on the kiosk payment selection buttons
- added TSYS Hosted Checkout support to the API
- Optimized the method used to load the Money Entry window
- Optimized the process used to handle the credit card payments / captures on the restaurant interface
- Removed $1 from online gift card default physical card amounts
- Updated RTS to properly archive historical tabs
- Updated the AdDisplay to only reload when needed
- updated the new Item setup - price field to support windows number formatting
- Updated the settings cache for Charity Round Up
- Added a cache reload procedure to the current item cache when a sold item is not initially found in cache
- Added a file type filter to the save file dialog for the payroll export window.
- Added additional logging for Paypal on App
- Added additional logging to the batch close out procedure
- Added additional logging to the comp type caching
- Added additional logging to the restaurant close out tip and deposit calculation
- Added additional logging to the sales tax calculation procedure
- Added additional logging to the Timeclock Current Status form load
- Added additonal logging to the Money Entry Form Close
- Added additonal logging to the NPGSQL exception tests
- Added paypal setting to app configuration
- Added pole display settings cache
- Added preliminary Paypal support to the RTS App
- Added procedure to store/reload the last good port for secure reader devices to speed up secure device detection
- Added protection against closing a station/deposit on more than one station at the same time
- Added protection to the chromecast assignments when missing necessary device details
- Added super saver removal to the Clear Card procedure
- Added support for Boca and Practical 4x2 EMV receipt
- Added support for TSYS hosted checkout to the RTS App
- Added the Charity Round Up to the Tender Amt buttons on the register layout
- Added TSYS hosted checkout to the online gift cards payment options
- Increased RTS Service start timeout during replication to 120 seconds on XP
- Optimized the Ecomm transaction in process validation procedure
- Optimized the ini file write to avoid disk spae crash
- Optimized the method used for drawing the reserved seating layout
- Optimized the station close procedure resulting in station closing 10x faster on latent connections
- Optmized the API buy ticket procedure when using Vantiv Canada
- Removed incorrect exception logs from the app for unhandled processor types
- Removed the refresh request for the reserved seat button control
- Removed unnecessary logging from the FindSalesTax procedure
- Updated RTS to only store two backup files on machines with low disk space
- Updated the default yes/no selection on timeout when closing a station
- Updated the Heartland HC submit button, disabling it after a successful token request
- Updated the kiosk to return to the screensaver if an exception occurs during the screen draw
- updated the method used to calculate the loyalty points displayed on the itemized receipt
- Updated the Rentrak grosses message when no config found.
- Updated the reserved seating assets to support transparent images
- Updated the reserved seating display to use a custom implementation of the button control.
- updated the reserved seating to also use the MT translate code when determining seat type
- Updated the RTN E2E interface to not include the pay credit option if credit card payments are not enabled.
- Updated the RTS backup restore procedure to include the App Schema when updating the database permissions
- Added additional error handling / logging to the credit card payment procedure.
- Added additional error handling / logging to the Heartland Hosted checkout procedure
- Added additional logging to the Money Entry close out procedure
- Added App support for Vantiv Canada Ecommerce
- Added cash drawer support for Partech EverServ 600
- Added error handling to the Ticket Daily Report window when no locations are listed.
- Added error protection for bad showID submissions API
- Added Internet Credit logging for CVV and AVS in App when using Heartland
- Added Internet Credit logging for CVV and AVS in App when using Worldpay
- Added prevention against closing the deposit on multiple stations at once.
- Added protection against adding duplicate class rule groups
- Added seat row/col to API confirmation emails
- Added support for Ingenico ISC250 signature with Heartland
- Added support for the IPP350 EMV reader through Worldpay
- Added the "Find by Receipt Number" option to sales log on web reporting
- Fixed conc sales vs inventory not using time adjustment when run via web reports
- Fixed issue causing Captiview setting to not save properly on the auditorium place settings
- Fixed problem causing the gift card detail report to crash when no debit logs were found
- Enabled the App schedule send when no showtimes are open
- Fixed problem causing the gift card detail report to crash when no debit logs were found
- Increased the timeout for SSL on Windows XP for Heartland
- Removed extra apostrophe on RTN pages
- Updated batch encryption key verification to account for multiple processor types
- Updated EMV sales adjustment to account for transactions that had already been adjusted
- Updated the Batch Report formatting
- Updated the layout description used on the "Change Layout" option of the Table Service interface
- Updated the method used to parse the drivers license data. It now removes
- Updated the tax calculation for tabs to use both the tax on table and the tax categories that are added to item sales
- Added a new ticket layout that includes a barcode
- Added additional cleaning procedures to the daily maintanance
- Added additional methods to help track various credit transactions based on completion status
- Added additional search features to the Marketing Builder
- Added comp to support to the legacy RTS receipt layouts
- Added database protection to prevent duplicate title entries being added to the log database
- Added protection to prevent duplicate password groups from being created
- Added Protection to the Boxoffice Auto Transmit when no settings are found.
- Added rts version and terminal number to batch fail email
- Added support for Heartland ECOM Hosted Checkout - API
- Added support for Heartland ECOM Hosted Checkout - RTN
- Added support for passing through standard serial config string data
- Added support for the Audrey A5-1K Cash Drawer interface
- Fixed issue causing the new item selection on the charity round up configuration to fail
- Fixed problem causing the RTN hosted checkout to not include tax on transaction fees
- Fixed problem preventing a Web Server account from being removed
- Fixed problem preventing the concession item picker from loading properly
- Changed poster signs to not display "No scheduled times" for coming soon titles
- Increased the timeout on service stop request on database backup restore.
- Modernized various legacy procedures used throughout RTS
- Optimized the Server / Workstation detection
- Optimized thread management for ecommerce shopping cart creation and lookup
- Optimized various error handling procedures
- Removed obsolete source data
- Updated RTS to better support custom graphics for film images
- Updated several RTS resourse files
- Updated the automatic email procedure to check for configured emails before creating the reports
- Updated the caching used for various data point for the RTN API functions
- Updated the cloning procedure on the new item setup clone
- Updated the logging used to catch failed authorization amount verification
- UPdated the method used to group the ticket rewards on the selling screen
- Updated the shift close procedure to properly load the ECOM merchant settings when needed
- Updated the shift total batch reports to include the merchant ID and processory type
- Added additional error reporting to Numero transmission
- Added additional logging to the batch load and process procedures
- Added additional logging to the close ticket procedure
- Added an option to display the net ticket price on the selling ticket buttons
- Added EMV Receipt support to the Custom RTS Star TUP500 Credit layout
- Added protection to the employee scheduler to preventing invalid dates to be submitted
- Added system report for old log record detection
- Fixed problem causing some shift reports to return sales from previous shifts (web reporting)
- Fixed problem causing voids to fail on reserved seats with individual seat pricing
- Enabled sorting on the title column of the ticket monitor
- Optimized the Mag Card Transaction catch up procedure
- Optimized the method used to download patch files
- Updated the automatic ticket daily report email to support the new group email control
- Updated the Custom RTS tickets to support barcodes
- Updated the deposit close out procedure to wait until the tickets are closed before sending shift reports
- Updated the method used to copy/paste an employee schedule between different dates
- Updated the procedure used to add sales tax to the transaction when a restaurant station is finalized
- Updated the Tax Category setup to add a subtotal and general sales item to the database upon creation
- Added a new API call (GiftInformationWithPIN) to support 3rd party services that require PINs
- Added a new window for item configuration
- Added a procedure to store failed EMV authorization packets for better troubleshooting
- Added a register layout option for "Member Lookup" to open the registered lookup window
- Added a timeout to various kiosk prompts
- Added additional logging to the batch closeout procedure
- Added additional logging to the kiosk for adding mag cards to transaction.
- Added additional logging to the kiosk title selection procedure
- Added additional logging to the pickup viewer
- Added additional logging to the serial number calculation
- Added additional logging to various sales log procedures
- Added additional protection to the API hold/release seat calls
- Added an abbreviated employee name to the pickup receipt
- Added an option to edit a subtotal from the subtotal configuration window
- Added database status check to the daily maintenance procedure
- Added logging for SP5514 OPOS failure
- Added option to show wheelchair and companion seat disclaimers on customer facing screen on cashier selection of these seat types
- Added password permission for the Usher App
- Added password permission to prevent a user from editing their own time clock record
- Added password permission to require the old password to be submitted before changing another users password
- Added PLF to class rule evaluation
- Added protection against running a deposit report when no deposits exist
- Added protection to the data transfer import deposit procedure
- Added protection to the kiosk interface to prevent the StateChange procedure from firing multiple times
- Added protection to the restaurant station closeout when no station selected
- Added protection when over refunding and the ticket does not exist
- Added SNI when using SSL secured email
- Added Support for animated posters on the poster signs
- Added support for Heartland IDTech Augusta and IDTech Mini Smart II
- Added support for refunding partially approved NCR gift cards
- Added support to API for 3rd party gift card service lookup
- Added support to the selling procedure to support Tax Categories
- Added Tax Category configuration
- Added the ability to block requests by IP Address
- Added the ability to earn points on new gift card purchases
- Added the ability to set an amount (including unlimited) to a reward earned through the loyalty program.
- Added the customer email address to the sales log entry
- Added the theatre display name to the purchase detail confirmation prompt
- Added the user name to all time clock punch messages
- Added Usher App Support
- Fixed Chromecast reboot issue
- Fixed font sizing on customer facing reserved seating screen
- Fixed gift card refunding of exact balance on cards that are already in the register
- Fixed problem causing a refund to fail when attempting to refund immediately after a seat swap
- Fixed problem causing the conc vs inv report to fail when running against the first deposit
- Fixed problem causing the scheduler to not load a films assets when double clicked
- Fixed problem causing the Ticket monitor to fail when sorting by screen
- Fixed ticket link items not voiding when using seat type codes
- Optimized OPOS cash drawer
- Optimized the daily Rentrak procedures
- Optimized the mag card transaction catch up procedure
- Optimized the method used to close tickets
- Update the app config to prevent users from saving if a fee is assigned without a fee item
- Update the Gift Card - Multi Add option to support 3rd party gift cards
- Updated the API BUY request to check for a valid email address before trying to send confirmation email
- Updated the auditorium value used when adding the performance into the sales log
- Updated the conc vs inv report to account for larger values
- Updated the Credit Auth and Credit Batch report to separate each the batches
- Updated the customer lookup on kiosk to properly handle non-RTS cards.
- Updated the data columns on the Station Inventory report for ease of use
- Updated the direct email selection window to optionally not save manually added emails
- Updated the employee detail transaction total on the Void Summary Report
- Updated the EMV partial auth procedure to support Heartland and time initiated batching
- Updated the error when adding film images to include the aspect ratio and size
- Updated the formatting for the windows start time in the ticketing log
- Updated the inventory corrections report to account for larger values
- Updated the kiosk to include hidden controls on the refresh when the kiosk state changes
- Updated the method used for transferring cards from the member lookup window
- Updated the method used to update the available computers on the sign viewer control
- Updated the multiple Item setup window to include the Tax Categories.
- Updated the restaurant payments to support MPS gift cards
- Updated the RTS Chromecast utility to support the Vizio Cast App
- Updated the RTS copyright to 2020
- Updated the selling procedure to check if the location entity has changed before completion
- Updated the selling screen to group reward items and tickets properly
- Updated the Station Summary report to support RTS App station
- Updated the TSYS capture request to include a customer service number
- Updated the Web Report Ticket Daily control to match the RTS Ticket Daily control
- Updated web reports to support IE11
- Removed unnecessary ticket type checks from the API Buy Ticket procedure
- Stripped dashes from pickupnumber in TransactionDetails API call
- Added a processortype field to the credit card open table
- Added additional exception handling to NCR gift cards
- Added Heartland Support for the Ingenico ISC250 and Ingenico Lane 3000
- Added RTN options for WorldPay HostedCheckout - hide the street address field and set the default value for the postal field
- Added the ability to add instructions to an item in the quick service interface
- Added the ability to assign a report group to the end of night shift total emails.
- Added the ability to round up your transaction for a configurable charity.
- Added the ability to select a report group for the stations open and closed report
- Added various logs to the internet server cache update procedures
- Fixed API only tickets showing on the RTN page
- Fixed Issues with the single seat warning on kiosk
- Fixed problem causing a user to be unable to back out of the manual loyalty entry on kiosk
- Fixed problem causing new auditorium signs to not save properly
- Fixed report formatting on the Legacy Concession Hourly report.
- Updated the shift total date selection to switch the start date and end date if the end date is before the first date.
- Updated the total used for the concession employee details on the Void Summary Report
- Updated the Web Reports - Ticket Log for new API users interface
- Added a new custom credit card receipt layout that includes a tip line
- Added a new variation of the hourly sales report that supports group and time configuration with subtotal filtering
- Added additional fields to the Donor Perfect export
- Added additional firewall settings for NetEPay ports
- Added an RTS App station option to the deposit total station filter list.
- Added DisplayText option to the Item Modifiers
- Added fingerprint login support to the restaurant login
- Added notification history and additional optimizations to the App notification Handler
- Added option for required fields during online loyalty registration
- Added option to API selling account to have RTS send confirmation emails
- Added support for 3rd party gift cards to the API BUY request
- Added support for additional retriever gift card prefix
- Added support for forcing the cash drawer to be closed after doing a manual cash drawer open
- Added Support for Heartland EMV
- Added support for NCR gift card PIN Validation
- Added support for Push Notification to the App
- Added support for swiping a gift card into the manual loyalty entry on the kiosk
- Added the ability to configure a Fulfillment center that is used to fulfill physical online gift card sales from any location it is configured for.
- Added the ability to issue a free ticket upon loyalty registration.
- Added various logs to the online payment complete procedures
- Added various logs to the table update check procedure
- Added warning prompt if tender amount is less than sales subtotal amount
- Fixed AAM export showing the wrong amenities
- Fixed blocked card types on kiosk (non-EMV)
- Fixed issue with reserved seating when show is using custom seat pricing but is also set for custom class rule
- Fixed JS not working on showtimes signs
- Fixed problem causing Rentrak Hourly to skip some titles on opening day reports.
- Fixed problem causing the API held seats not always being released properly
- Fixed problem preventing the Loyalty Member Report from returning all data when filtered by date
- Fixed problem preventing the Numero export from sending properly
- Fixed the location not filtering properly on the Fandango Sales Report.
- Fixed ticket pickup to allow for pickup with credit cards for Fandango purchases
- Made several adjustments to how Super Savers work.
- Update the logic used to determine a single seat on Kiosk. (Now uses the same methods as general selling and internet)
- Updated email image links to be HTTPS to fix Google Image Proxy issues
- Updated the API User filter on the ticket log.
- Updated the comp detail report to allow for the user to hide the deleted comps from the report
- Updated the Comp detail report to include the receipt number
- Updated the comp detail report to include the receipt number and to allow for the user to hide the deleted comps from the report
- Updated the CSS in poster signs to allow for overriding the default values
- Updated the custom credit card receipt to use the correct printer setting.
- Updated the customer information prompt to check sub items to determine if a prompt is needed.
- Updated the direct download link for the Heartland EMV Server software
- Updated the film genre selection to properly store the genre on a new title creation
- Updated the last write time on replication restore checks to use a more reliable reference date.
- Updated the local computer ticket, itemized receipt, and credit receipt to only display the corresponding custom receipts
- Updated the online loyalty registration to support registration rewards
- Updated the physical gift card order mailer to account for the paper shifing in the envelope.
- Updated the reserved seating pass verification to use the Veify Pass permission
- Updated the Sales Monitor to allow you to filter by server sttions (st. 2000+)
- Updated the Shift Total Web Report to adjust the end date properly when running the report by date
- Updated the Tab Management Window to better support the cash deposit and tip entries
- Updated the Ticket Log on Web Reports to properly filter out voids
- Added Not ADA Accessible amenity
- Added a manager override when removing sent items from an open tab
- Added a warning prompt to the manual credit card charge when the charge amount is greater than the subtotal
- Added additional error handling and prompts to the advanced ticketing emails export
- Added additional error handling to the IIF export
- Added additional error handling to the new remote printer configuration window
- Added additional logging for internet ticket pickup delays
- Added additional padding to the ticket monitor to account for the form header and column headers
- Added an option to force strict AVS on RTN Hosted Checkout
- Added display amenities to the RTS App
- Added gift card payments to the RTS App
- Added new user permissions for combining, separating and transferring tabs
- Added the ability to assign barcodes to RTS items
- Added the ability to save a credit card on your RTS mobile app account
- Added the ability to scan an items barcode to add it to the register
- Added the ability to select and scroll through orders on the pickup viewer with the bump bar
- Added the synopsis to the RTS App schedule requests
- Added user account support to the RTS Mobile App
- Added various configuration options for the RTS App
- Resolved issue causing the manual add loyalty window to close immediately on kiosk
- Fixed Chromecast video playback issues caused by Chromecast firmware update
- Fixed clip-path issue in web reporting SVGs during report rendering
- Fixed extension being incorrect on asset exports for reserved seating
- Fixed issue in the Restaurant Interface that caused orphaned tabs that could not be finalized
- Fixed problem causing reward items to be removed even if the redemption is cancelled
- Fixed problem causing RTS to restart when pickup viewer is closed
- Fixed problem causing some amenities to not be transferred when a performance is moved to a new auditorium
- Fixed problem causing the custom ticket pricing on reserved performances to not find the appropriate tickets
- Fixed problem causing the Rentrak location name to not be updated when the location database name is changed
- Optimized various web reporting procedures
- Updated the API to include custom seat pricing on the GETSEATPLANFORPERF request
- Updated the custom credit card receipts to include the stored last 4 digits when the account number is not available
- Updated the Deposit Total Report on RTS Web Reporting to include the time adjustment when applicable
- Updated the JS Image Slider used in Advertising Signs
- Updated the kiosk configuration to prevent kiosk stations being assigned that are not configured for automatic close out
- Updated the NCR AdjustBalance request to use .NET WebClient due to no Content-Length header in response
- Updated the pickup viewer to better handle the font adjustments on the header items
- Updated the pickup viewer to display the amount on subitems when the parent items are hidden
- Updated the RTS App to default to a valid ticket name when no App name is configured
- Updated the showtimes.XML to no longer include deleted titles in the upcoming titles section
- Updated the sorting used for the Amenities on the RTS App schedule
- Updated the text displayed for group seats on RTN reserved seating
- Updated the ticket daily report to properly filter out open performances based on the selected dates when "BOTH" report type is selected
- Updated the ticket price category "Clone" function to support the RTS App settings
- Added "SoGen" flag to the API schedule to indicate when show reaches SoldOutGeneral state
- Added "Square" Support to the RTS App
- Added a donor perfect transaction export
- Added a warning when voiding an online ticket sale that has not been picked up
- Added additional logging to the kiosk startup procedures
- Added additional protection to the time clock edit functions to prevent the submission of invalid dates
- Added an option to change the concession points per dollar value
- Added an option to include a Misc tip on the tip report
- Added an option to use the auditorium display image on auditorium signs
- Added an RTN option to enforce ticket limit for reserved seating shows
- Added an RTS App name and RTS App description to the ticket setup window
- Added auditorium image support to direction signs
- Added Epson Buzzer functionality
- Added export/import options to various individual digital signage configurations
- Added new default API user for RTS App
- Added RTN options for Android and iOS mobile app download prompts
- Added support for BT - 100U USB cash drawer trigger
- Added SVG asset types for reserved seating
- Added SVG support
- Added the ability to assign a donor perfect membership number to a loyalty member.
- Added the ability to force the RTS Pickup Viewer to open on RTS startup
- Added the RTS App configuration window
- Added the terminal number to the transaction time log
- Fixed default button text for manual loyalty entry screen on kiosk
- Fixed employee filtering in web reports sales log
- Fixed Fandango web report not property returning the fandango percentage
- Fixed issue causing display amenities to not delete properly
- Fixed issue with pickup tickets reporting pickup status incorrectly
- Fixed issue with poster sign footer images not displaying intermittently
- Optimized single seat checking algorithm
- Optimized the Internet ticket pickup search procedures
- Updated method used to propagate the drivers license data on the drink limit form
- Updated the Auditorium Signage configuration to copy settings from the selected sign when creating new.
- Updated the custom receipts to support the new order pickup numbers
- Updated the display amenities to no longer default 2D shows to "Standard"
- Updated the security certificates.
- Updated the method used to allocate showtime signs to groups
- Updated the method used to check and send online gift card notification emails
- Updated the remote item routing to include the item database name for assist with item selection
- Updated the remote printer configuration window to utilize more modern controls
- Updated the sales log to use the first name and last initial of the employee instead of the full name.
- Updated the splash screen to include various logs for kiosk startup failures
- Added a format string option for start time on auditorium signs
- Added additional error handling to the digital signage - menu sign configuration
- Added amenity for ONYX
- Added an option for Honduras locations to submit tax exempt information for receipts
- Added an option to hide UPC and/or QR codes on internet ticketing confirmation page and email
- Added broken seat filters to the general log viewer
- Added Drink ID prompt to restaurant interface
- Added DTS X amenity to the film settings
- Added film attributes to the AAM export
- Added Numero Boxoffice Reporting
- Added option for Dolby Atmos on film settings
- Added option to block non TLS 1.2 connections on non routable connections
- Added option to hide the order buttons on the pickup viewer
- Added option to kiosk to allow manual loyalty entry
- Added password permission to allow user to view/modify tabs that belong to other users.
- Added purchase disclaimer before paying with gift card on kiosk
- Added RTN option to determine the ticket sort order
- Added storycode population to database on new title creation
- Added support for bump bar on the pickup viewer
- Added the ability to mark a seat as broken from selling screen and reserved seat layout
- Added the ability to prompt for a phone number when a specific item is sold
- Added the ability to remove automatic sorting on directional signs
- Added Verify Age prompt to restaurant interface
- Fixed Brunswick loading problem when mapped items have been deleted
- Fixed drink limit count not resetting when manually searching
- Fixed lock seats overriding on internet ticketing station sales
- Fixed null reference error when setting up assets without assigning an image
- Fixed problem causing duplicate password groups
- Fixed the "Hide Sales Before Deposit" permission on the stations open/closed window
- Optimized the hold seat log datagrid load
- Updated method of disposing SSH tunnels
- Updated method used for EMV refunds
- Updated reserved seating graphical builder to show broken seats
- Updated the comp report to include notification if the comp was deleted/removed
- Updated the directional signage to support films without images
- Updated the Drink Limit to not allow zero time limit
- Updated the restaurant receipts to better account for comps
- Added a department filter to the payroll cost report
- Added a department filter to the payroll report
- Added a report option to sort the receive-return report by the memo
- Added additional protection and logging to the receipt number lookup
- Added an option to change the sales item that is associated with third party gift cards
- Added an option to export the showtime signs configuration
- Added an option to the weekly flyer report to hide the synopsis and/or include the auditorium number
- Added check for seat holds when buying tickets via API
- Added kiosk description to ticket buttons during kiosk reserved seating ticket selection
- Added loyalty information to the custom receipts
- Added option to use the Auditorium Display String on the showtime sign
- Added the ability to manually add items to all loyalty members
- Added the ability to reopen a tab from the server closeout window
- Fixed amount formatting on concession summary report
- Fixed carriage return issue when using card swipes on login / timeclock
- Fixed comps not saving property to child tabs
- Fixed issue causing items to not be removed properly from the 86ed item list
- Fixed issue causing the showtime sign save to fail.
- Fixed problem causing the reason to not be submitted when points are manually added.
- Fixed report parameter issue when emailing report via web reports
- Fixed the currency formatting on the Deposit Breakdown report
- Fixed the labor cost report not supporting shift ticket sales
- Fixed title formatting problems on weekly schedule flyer
- Changed kiosk screen saver resolution if using images
- Changed kiosk screen saver size on low resolution monitors
- Changed the cancel button text to "Back" on the restaurant payment window
- Changed the reserved seat void to use all tickets on show instead of employee enabled tickets.
- Increased barcode camera scanning performance
- Optimized the custom ticket/receipt printing procedures
- Removed the cancel button from the comp window
- Removed unused tabs from showtime sign configuration window
- Updated Check Redeem API call to remove dashes before checking
- Updated digital signage - directional signs to show auditoriums in specified order.
- Updated the comp picker to no longer include deleted comp types
- Updated the currency/number formatting on the deposit breakdown report
- updated the default size of ticket price on custom ticket layouts
- Updated the notification prompted when cloning an item and item already exists.
- Updated the pickup ticket default timeout from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Updated the pickup ticket procedure to assign the auditorium reporting name as the screen number if it can not be pulled from the auditorium ticket name
- Updated the procedure used for capturing a credit card in the Restaurant interface.
- Updated the remove function to properly check for comps when removing a seat from a tab
- Updated the Rentrak flash grosses to report closed performances that did not have any sales
- Updated the restaurant Move Item procedure from sending an item before checking if it was sent
- Updated the showtime sign import to update the images on disk
- Updated the Tab Management window to better support credit card tip deductions
- Added additional security logging to the general log
- Added comp support to the quick service interface
- Added general selling interface to web reporting
- Added the ability to 86 items and prevent sales of these items during the transaction
- Added the ability to rename the sales item associated with 3rd party gift card sales and redemption
- Added the ability to update the transaction counter for Honduras tax settings
- Fixed login not prompting with the password warning when only the default password exist
- Fixed loyalty registration issues on the kiosk
- Fixed problem causing custom receipts to cut prematurely on gift card transactions
- Fixed problem causing the Deposit breakdown report to not include all shifts.
- Fixed Web Reports - Ticket Log showing duplicate performances
- Resolved issue with blocked cookies for online gift card sales
- Updated content management to better support how and when images are automatically downloaded.
- Updated the custom receipts to support printable gift certificates
- Updated the custom receipts to support printable passes
- Updated the method used to remove posters from the rotating poster signs
- Updated the payment authorization procedure for API E2E payments
- Updated the payroll export configuration window to better support different resolutions.
- Updated the payroll export configuration window to display any users with timeclock enabled.
- Updated ticket daily report to better support viewing both open and closed performances
- Optimized API - refund ticket procedure
- Optimized logging in and clocking in when using mag cards
- Added a "Cleanup List" option to the scheduler to easily hide old films
- Added a new Epson ticket layout labeled RTS Epson Ticket V2
- Added a prompt for selling/inventory and stock when using the "add all" function on the station items window
- Added a quantity option to the online gift cards page
- Added a test option to the Embed and InterCard configuration windows
- Added ability to force both closing and finalizing a station at the same time
- Added ability to quickly select a comp instead of redirecting to the custom comp window.
- Added additional logging to the Embed payment process
- Added additional logging to the reserved seating configuration process
- Added an option to retain tips for a later payout
- Added change tracking to password cache
- Added Embed Card System processing
- Added InterCard number check on fast entry
- Added kiosk option to block "R" rated title sales
- Added Labor Cost Report
- Added menu option to allow for easy removal of incorrect film graphics on selling
- Added MoviePass API sales export
- Added options to Brunswick for Lane Prompting and Number of Lanes
- Added Partner SP5514 computer type to installer
- Added password cache to decrease user verification time over slow intercontinental network links
- Added password permission requirements for the Tab Management window
- Added protection to help avoid the incorrect sales item being configured on the online gift card setup window
- Added Report - Comp Details to both RTS and RTS Web Reporting
- Added Report - Labor Cost to Web Reporting
- Added Report - Tip Share to Web Reporting
- Added Report - Weekly Schedule Flier
- Added seat counts and running time to new scheduler
- Added support for MPS gift cards during online purchases
- Added the ability to assign a default amount to a custom Comp
- Added the ability to clone a ticket. this also clones the class rules and WebAPI settings
- Added the ability to disable a web server password
- Added the ability to search by receipt number to the sales log viewer
- Added the ability to sell gift cards onto the restaurant interface
- Added the ability to test the Brunswick communication from the Brunswick configuration window
- Added Time Clock punch modifications to the general log
- Added warning message to daily ticket report window when performances are still open
- Fixed problem causing the Brunswick configuration to not save when no IP assigned.
- Fixed problem causing the print button to move incorrectly when resizing the print receipt window on sales log viewer
- Fixed quick concession button on reserved screen picker losing focus after recent Windows update patches
- Fixed saving on MPS Gift Card config when adding prefixes.
- Resolved issue causing the "kiosk display showtime after start" option to not save properly
- Resolved problem causing duplicate fill order sequence numbers
- Increased database efficiency when loading and/or saving the touch screen layout
- Increased speed when loading the SQL Query Builder
- Modified the concession buttons to hide label when using text instead of images
- Updated how mouse click events are handled within RTS
- Updated kiosk to return to summary screen on bad credit card or gift card read
- updated new item setup to enable the employee discount by default. (Primary employee discount setting is not enabled by default)
- Updated reserved seat screen and legend to be hidden by default
- Updated the default credit card verification method used for all Hosted Checkout accounts
- Updated the kiosk to allow zero priced ticket sales (If zero priced ticket enabled for kiosk)
- Updated the method used to configure and save the ADP payroll export
- Updated the method used to reload gift cards at start of transaction
- Updated the Online Gift Card checkout page to disable all buttons when attempting to complete a transaction
- Updated the order separation character on the fill order receipts
- Updated the password security for the sales data on the server station closeout window
- Updated the payment type report to better support tips
- Updated the payroll export menu choice to have each export listed separately
- Updated the payroll export window to no longer display all export types at the same time
- Updated the registration reward item list to no longer include deleted items
- Updated the ticket price setup window to display all disabled tickets at all times
- Updated the verbiage on the software expiration warning
- Added a creation date filter to the Member Information report.
- Added support for partial transaction refunds via the API.
- Added integration with Brunswick Bowling Sync System.
- Added support for InterCard on RTS kiosks.
- Added an option to waive internet ticketing fees for loyalty members.
- Added the ability to multiply the ticket points earned for online ticket sales.
- Added an option to prompt with an amount override for sub items on modifiers.
- Added ticket setting to filter the tickets provided in the open interface schedule.
- Added support for Vantiv IDTech Augusta EMV Reader.
- Added various performance optimizations.
- Added additional logging to the kiosk ticket pickup procedures.
- Added additional logging to the auto email tickets failover.
- Added error prevention to the film code generation.
- Added an option to the auditorium signs to set the show start text.
- Added the rollover time adjustment to the directional signs.
- Added an option to copy the retail credit card settings over to the internet settings.
- Added an option to add points from the lookup card window.
- Added a show rating option on showtime signs to override defaults if needed.
- Added an option to clone a reserved seating layout.
- Added an RTN option to opt into email marketing list.
- Added an option to the register card window to opt in/out of mailing list.
- Updated the RTN to support ticket credit redemptions.
- Updated the method used to generate a pickup number for the pickup viewer and fill order receipts.
- Updated the log responses for errors related to credit card payments.
- Moved the add loyalty card option to the shopping card on E2E RTN page.
- Added a link to the RTS Help Wiki under Help - Support.
- Added ability to import/export a kiosk configuration.
- Added secure and httponly flags to online gift card cookie.
- Added new RTS Demo data.
- Added additional on screen messages from the EMV card reader during the transaction.
- Added additional data to the seat hold log.
- Added new graphical buttons for selection on selling screen.
- Fixed problem causing directional signs to not display ongoing performances after tickets are closed.
- Updated the stock receive/return settings to be saved when the window is closed.
- Updated the selling screen to use the default starting screen assigned under setup - banks.
- Updated method used to assign a new card number to an online gift card - physical card purchase.
- Optimized the method used to save the Intercard configuration.
- Added verify age form with drink limit
- Added HTTPOnly and Secure flags to RTSPurchaseID cookie
- Added option to showtime sign to display the total seat count (when sorting by auditorium)
- Added an option to set the ticket quantity on RTN pages (classic and E2E)
- Added a Hold Seat Log under Reports - System Log - Hold Seats
- Added an option to set the selected title border color.
- Added a password permission to allow editing reserved seating layouts.
- Added a password permission for holding seats.
- Added password permissions for selling wheelchair and companion seats.
- Added an option to set the number of reporting days available when the user has old report access disabled.
- Added date of birth to the registered card lookup window.
- Allow for internet ticket pickup on kiosk from the push to start screen.
- Added a prompt to the pickup ticket procedure that will allow the user to skip pickup on tickets for future performances.
- Added field choices to mag cards - member information report / export.
- Fixed problem causing item redemptions to result in negative amounts.
- Fixed showtime signs not showing next days performances when sorting by auditorium.
- Fixed the save on the customer display option on the reserved seat designer.
- Fixed RTS, preventing it from enabling custom CSS for gift cards when the external css is changed.
- Updated the internet data transfer setup and transfer windows
- Updated the hourly ticket report to include a filter for day of week.
- Updated the advanced pickup search to apply the title and performance filter to the grids
- Updated the reserved layout exports to adhere to label display settings
- Updated the kiosk title button to use the film display title.
- Updated the advance pickup search window to save the previous search settings.
- Updated the load function on the ticket selection time configuration window.
- Updated the mag cards - member information to use the "View full card number" password permission.
- Updated the hold seat option to include "hold until (intervals) before performance starts"
- Increased manual credit card charge/credit limit to $10,000.
- Added Fandango Sales Report, Ticket Monitor, and Sales Monitor to Web Reporting.
- Added support for masked credit card number via API for picking up tickets.
- Added an option to keep the pickup tickets window open. This will allow for continuous pickups with direct software interaction.
- Added an ability to automatically apply item rewards to a loyalty card after registration.
- Added the option to prevent the cash drawer from opening automatically if the transaction meets certain criteria. (no cash, no void, pin credit, customer Ingenico sign, etc)
- Added a Pass Log Report to RTS and Web Reporting
- Added a the ability to search for items on the touch screen layout builder
- Added the ability to search items on the item selection window.
- Added an option to prompt for the pager number when an order is sent.
- Added the ability to adjust the extra header spaces on the remote fill order print.
- Added 2 API calls: Transaction Details and Redeem
- Blocked PayPal on internet ticketing if not configured.
- Fixed item redemptions not using the item with nearest expiration date first.
- Fixed issues with the mag card loyalty point limits not being set properly.
- Updated the film editor window set the default start date to the following Friday unless a release date is assigned via the internet film list.
- Updated RTN to use the companion and wheelchair warnings configured in the customer display options.
- Updated the station picker to support multiple station selections using a checklist
- Updated the tip reporting to include cash tips
- Updated the RTN pages to show title and time information above the current step of the purchase process.
- Changed the online gift cards to allow the use of balance and loyalty functions without enabling online gift card sales.
- Increased the auto close on RTN reserved seating prompts from 10 to 20 seconds.
- Added a Distributor Summary report to the RTS daily ticket reporting.
- Added configurable time to ticket monitor refresh.
- Added an option to add, remove and assign genres to films.
- Added additional logging to the ticket selling procedure.
- Added custom TLS1.2 communication setting for TSYS processing on XP.
- Added sales monitor and ticket monitor coming support for Web Reporting.
- Added SP5514 Cash Drawer Support.
- Added background secure reader initialization.
- Resolved several interface issues on the reserved seat graphical designer.
- Fixed GroupID missing for Single Seat Group seats.
- Updated the filter on the inventory receive/return window.
- Updated the bank deposit report to only display the total if the location has multiple deposits listed.
- Updated the Seat Holds window to support a larger number of held seats.
- Updated the showtime signs to support a varying range of auditoriums to display.
- Updated Various digital signage utilities.
- Updated the RTS custom receipts to use a custom sales tax name.
- Updated the internet ticket pickup logs.
- Updated the caching on the internet server.
- Increased speed of first EMV reader comport detection.
- Seat locks are 10x faster (less than 5ms).
- Expanded our non-ticket transaction fee options to allow for multiple fees based on the items sold.
- Added Orca Inventory Export
- Added option to allow employee override of single seat check on kiosk
- Added a status window to the E2E/EMV payment process on the restaurant interface.
- Added an option to force the merchant copy of an EMV credit receipt
- Added the employeename and receipt number to the bottom of the emv merchant receipt.
- Added various database optimization changes.
- Fixed Reserved Seating - Pick Tickets when no tickets enabled on the performance
- Fixed API call for register card - assign new card number.
- Fixed the show single seat group option in reserved seating - graphical
- Increased speed of closing a station, closing credit card batch, selling internet tickets, refreshing schedule, finishing a transaction, loading tabs, and picking up tickets.
- Added "New Reserved Seat Mode" to system report.
- Added option to allow custom HTML to be added to Digital Signage.
- Added Fandango Sales Report.
- Added API credit transactions to the internet credit card log.
- Added protection for bad card swipers on kiosk ticket pickup
- Digital Signage Template window now saves all edited templates accordingly.
- Fixed online ticketing checkout loop when cookies are disabled in browser.
- Fixed kiosk loyalty check when card not found.
- Updated the Internet Server watchdog timer to reset when computer sleeps and resumes.
- Updated the system reporting to use connected IP in postgres server if UDP report echo not working.
- Updated the seat layout export to include any blank cells that may exist.
- Database optimizations - Transactions (sale) run at 20% of the previous time.
- Added out-of-band retries for failed mag card transactions at the end of a transaction.
- Added crash log tracing when closing deposit.
- Added watchdog timer to restart internet server when restart windows is not enabled.
- Added TerminalID to title bar
- Added retry when internet server can not bind to port 2235 on startup.
- Added additional logging to the remote item printing procedure.
- Added an option to add a loyalty card into the restaurant transaction to include the movie card discount for registered members.
- Resolved problem causing the kiosk interface to position the transaction types incorrectly when the "buy tickets" option is disabled.
- Removed obsolete memory access code
- Removed obsolete &quot;BocaUSB&quot; support option.
- Resolved problem causing all gift cards online to fail when classic Mercury Pay control is mis registered in windows.
- Resolved problem causing the tax to not be included on custom receipts if the transaction hasn&apos;t been completed yet. (table service receipt)
- Updated the performance editor and the class rule editor to no longer display disabled tickets.
- Updated the fill order print to print the instructions from a parent item to a sub item if the parent is not configured to print to kitchen or pickupviewer.
- Added an option to use 3rd party Javascript on the RTN pages.
- Added support for the Swecoin TTP 2000 series graphics printing.
- Added automatic Rentrak resends when internet unavailable.
- Added support for EMV credit card receipts on the Swecoin kiosk printer.
- Added a CashedOwed and cash received column to the sales log export.
- Added an option to re-assign the card number in an online physical card purchase before funding.
- Added an option to not group similar items on remote printer receipts.
- Added a dot-matrix printer type to remote printer routes that supports red print text.
- Added a password setting for Fill Online Gift Cards.
- Added an option to allow a server to push an item into a designated comp tab if they do not have the privileges to comp traditionally.
- Added an option to the fill order item routing window to clone existing configurations.
- Added an option to force a receipt to print when a tab is saved in restaurant mode.
- Added a "DO NOT MAKE" option to the restaurant interface to be sent to the remote printers/pickup viewer.
- Added a "TO GO" option to the restaurant interface to be sent to the remote printers/pickup viewer.
- Added an option to sort the sub-items in the modifier window alphabetically on right click.
- Added a setting to force print multiple copies of a fill order print receipt.
- Added a print option to the tab management window.
- Added the fill order printer routes to the clone item function.
- Added a disclaimer to the bottom of the online gift card receipt email to notify the guest that it is a receipt and not the actual gift card voucher.
- Added additional logging to pinpad and tab display procedures.
- Added additional logging to the InterCard processing.
- Added void password verification to reserved seating.
- Kiosk now supports taxable ticket link items.
- Enabled reprinting from a tab when using custom receipt layouts.
- Removed the &quot;Split&quot; button from the restaurant interface.
- Update the Tender change popup to show error in red when less than owed is tendered.
- Updated the item rename procedure to include updating the remote item route configuration.
- Updated the restaurant interface to support amount entry items.
- Updated the remote item route window to include both display and database names if they do not match.
- Updated showtimes.xml to use the date link for sold out shows, instead of root.
- Updated the restaurant interface to display a pay button on all listed item selections.
- Updated the SK1 printer controls to include presenter support.
- Updated mag card generation to include the encoding information.
- Added an option to the modifier setup to disable redemption of a reward item if available.
- Added protection to the schedule load to prevent a crash when an invalid class rule is assigned.
- Added an option to export and import the digital signage configuration.
- Added graphical layout support for the A799 printer.
- Added graphical layout support for the Star TUP500 printer.
- Added an option to add a discount promotion to the online gift card purchase.
- Added postgresql 10.1 to software.
- Added extra info to seat hold XML regarding show info and seat listing.
- Added initial HTTP referer tracking to RTS web services
- Added support for international comScore reporting.
- Fixed problem causing remote printer assignments to restart RTS.
- Moved registered card info into the new tables to allow for separate customer and card data.
- Updated the Gross Summary report to sort by title.
- Updated the method used to add/update printer layouts in the database.
- Updated the ticket credit redemption method to sort and redeem by earliest expiration date.
- Changed detection of VC++ runtime to increase installation speed.
- Change the bonus ticket type selection window to use a list box.
- Added an option to disable the cost entry on the inventory receive/return window.
- Added support for Star Sk1 bitmap Printing.
- Added the ability to use a card with an existing balance when funding physical online gift card purchases.
- Added email verification to web reporting sign up.
- Added graphical layout support for the Star TUP500 printer.
- Added Ids to <body> tags and classes to left/right <td> tags in main table of RTN pages.
- Added option to lock seats when purchasing via RTN E2E interface.
- Allowed reward item in modifiers.
- Added orphan transaction clearing to DB
- Fixed Rentrak flash gross to not load 14 days of data.
- Updated the credit card receipt on secure non-EMV transactions to include the receipt number instead of the invoice number
- Updated the new network connection window to properly convert a local network connection.
- Updated the General Entries report and the daily sales summary report to include the per cap sales total.
- Updated the pickup viewer order detail window.
- Updated the Gross Summary report to sort by title.
- Updated RTS to support adding funds to an MPS gift card.
- Split customer registration from mag card to allow member reward and internet ticket refunds in the future.
- Added discount settings to the new password and password group configuration windows.
- Added caching for ticket types, item names and titles to accelerate the transaction process.
- Added sequence number logging for secure credit card processing.
- Added error tracking to internet ticketing seat availability check.
- Added support for NCR Gift Cards.
- Added an additional retry when reloading mag cards before running a transaction.
- Added a notification onto the timeclock detail report when the user used a fingerprint to punchin/out.
- Added option to set Partial Approval handling method when using EMV.
- Added option to disable verify amount on reader for EMV CC processing.
- Added the ability to display items on the pickup viewer based on the item sent and not the stationnumber.
- Added archive tables for kitchen orders. and archive process during nightly maintenance.
- Added a process to the nightly maintenance that archives historical kitchen orders.
- Added the last successful windows update to system report.
- Added option to Digital Signage Auditorium Signs to use the display auditorium config
- Added option to easily allow gift cards in non-E2E RTN pages.
- Added option to RTN for Theatre Display Name.
- Added the local server search to the network locations window.
- Added the ability to create an item group and assign it to a remote printer for remote item routing.
- Added support for ADP payroll export.
- Added support for Affiliated payroll export.
- Added option to show preview on Auditorium signage.
- Added an RTN option to allow cross domain requests for the showtimes xml feed.
- Added an option for enabling additional javascript in RTN pages.
- Added an option to set an indention character to be used on the pickup viewer.
- Added an option to include a time adjustment on ticketing reports.
- Added an option to restore deleted films from the new scheduler.
- Added support for Tandem HR timeclock export.
- Added an option to include a tip line on the credit receipt for EMV transactions.
- Added logging to the secure tip entry procedure.
- Added additional logging to the LRS pager request procedure.
- Added IE version number to the system report.
- Added additional preliminary tables for customer tracking.
- Added option to print an internet ticket pickup signature receipt for guest to sign on pickup.
- Added email verification to web reporting signup.
- Added start dates to scheduled titles in the showtimes.xml.
- Added upcoming titles to the showtimes.xml.
- Fixed issue checking loyalty details on the kiosk when no rewards are configured.
- Fixed internet ticketing email issue that was caused when issuing a zero priced ticket online.
- Fixed problem causing the Mag Card Details report to crash when all dates were selected.
- Fixed problem causing the pin-pad payment window error when no gift card payment types are enabled.
- Fixed Windows version that do not natively support TLS 1.2 to work without installing dotnet 4.5.
- Changed the internal procedure for tab creation.
- Updated the public IP detection providers to avoid IP6 info.
- Updated remote mag card registration to include phone number.
- Updated the credit deposit report to support tips.
- Updated remote fill order receipt to indicate if the transaction was a refund.
- Updated the sales log to sort by receipt number when transactions are sold within the same second.
- Made adjustments to increase the transaction speed 3x.
- Updated the RTS modifiers to apply the sub item discounts when the main item is hidden.
- Updated the multi-tender window to select the amount text when the window is opened.
- Updated the remote receipt to include the customer information on quick service transactions.
- Changed the text &;Debit Remaining&quot; on the receipt to return &quot;Gift Card Balance Remaining&quot;.
- Updated the item cost setting to allow for more than 2 decimal places.
- Updated the batch close procedure to support tips that were submitted through the secure cardreaders.
- Updated the shift reports to support tips that were submitted through the secure card readers.
- Updated the Transfer Within Building process to check if the item exist in the receiving station before completing the transfer.
- Reduced the initial height of the password group screen to support low resolution machines.
- Changed API Schedule call to not include unused tickets.
- Updated the network connection window to support SSH only connections.
- Removed the signature line from the customer credit card receipt for EMV payments.
- Updated RTN Gift check, Loyalty check, and Loyalty register pages to use Recaptcha v2.0
- Updated the sold out check to account for held seats.
- Updated RTN E2E pages to use Recaptcha v2.0 for Gift and Loyalty.
- Update RTN to only require a single Recaptcha verify per transaction.
- Updated the tip entry for non-restaurant mode to support secure credit card tips.
- Removed the film code auto generation when adding a new film from the internet film list.
- Updated the discount setting for password groups to allow the selection of a list discount.
- Removed the auto selection for titles on the internet film list.
- Removed extra MP server DNS resolve when EMV card reader is used.
- RTS giftcards and NCR giftcards can be used in the same transaction.
- Increased transaction speed by batch disk writes.
- Automatically correct for heavily loaded servers failing service timeouts during startup.
- Updated drivers license decoding to support additional date formats and name formats.
- Updated reserved seating voids to match specific seat ID.
- Update the kiosk to print the tickets before the receipt.
- Added an option to prompt for the tip on secure credit card processing readers.
- Added restaurant support for holding receipts.
- Added additional default ticket and receipt layouts to RTS.
- Added additional logging for digital signage.
- Added delayed tab opening on non-restaurant mode until after the item has been sent
- Updated the date and time pickers that are used in RTS to avoid Windows Creator bug.
- Updated the concession summary report to query the database correctly when only a single date was selected.
- Updated the &quot;Exact change&quot; button on the restaurant payment window to deduct the amount from the total as expected.
- Updated the custom tickets to include location name and ad line on ticket pickups.
- Optimized employee name caching.
- Resolved problem causing the pickup viewer to not display the pager number if the transaction was paid with credit.
- Fixed problem causing kiosk configuration to not save button text correctly.
- Added SSH Security Subsystem.
- Added logging of MP batch summary XML.
- Added the auditorium name that should display on tickets to our custom tickets.
- Added extra protection to the transaction when the mag card server does not respond.
- Added TLS level to internet log.
- Added new password setup form.
- Added detection and auto start for Canadian EMV credit card server.
- Added additional space to the sales column of the top movies report.
- Added a kiosk option to block advanced ticket sales.
- Added protection to eBOR to prevent it from sending an empty file on days without scheduled performances.
- Add support for Canadian (Canadian EMV/Debit).
- Added Microsoft custom control node to app manifest to fix Windows 10 creators edition hiding datetime picker text.
- Added Canadian EMV to kiosk credit card check.
- Added integration with Brunswick bowling Sync System.
- Added option to export online ticketing details from the advance pickup search window.
- Added support on several reports for the updated Web Reporting.
- Added support for the username and passwords for SSH file server access.
- Added the server datapath to crash reports.
- Fixed issue causing the move seat feature to not work on usher stations.
- Fixed problem causing items to be cleared from the selling screen when modifier items were selected.
- Fixed modifier discounts in restaurant mode.
- Fixed problem causing duplicate receipt numbers in the pickup viewer.
- Fixed problem causing thumbnail images to not generate for Digital Signage.
- Fixed the reserved seat legend image for non-E2E pages.
- Fixed Canada manual entry secure credit cards.
- Fixed problem causing the add pass window to reset the expire date to one month.
- Fixed kiosk pickup tickets button position when the buy button is disabled.
- Fixed the header on the concession summary report.
- Changed Internet Ticketing to display the tickets with net price if the &quot;Show ticket tax&quot; option is enabled under setup – ready ticket network – options.
- Updated the pickup viewer to change the background to yellow for discounts and red for voids.
- Updated the <Link> in the API schedule response to use updated parameters.
- Updated the new ingenico devices to be recognized as EMV.
- Updated the Vantiv Field Loader link.
- Updated support for reprinting custom receipts.
- Added option to disable single seat warning on internet ticketing
- Added the original receipt number to the kitchen order database.
- Added additional lines to the remote printers to support lower cutters.
- Added support for ICMP bluetooth credit card reader.
- Added retries when patching RTS due to antivirus blocking disk access for an unreasonable amount of time.
- Added 6 hour force reload into advertising signs to avoid Chromecast firmware memory leaks
- Added option to require a confirmation when finishing an order on pickup viewer.
- Added option to restore a finished order from the pickup viewer panel.
- Added database table for cash tip tracking when closing a server bank station.
- Added option to use an arrow to indent the fill order receipt.
- Added an option to adjust the font on the pickup viewer order window.
- Added the tax items to the print info for custom receipts.
- Added an option to the showtime schedule report to use a time adjustment.
- Re-added the chime on new orders to the pickup viewer.
- Updated the ticket daily/open report to set all report types to true when attempting to view the report with no report types selected.
- Updated the pickup viewer to include the receipt number and pickup number.
- Updated the method used to calculate the tax on the tax by subtotal report.
- Update the tab viewer to support the new tab system.
- Updated the historical pickup viewer display to show the latest orders first based on completion time.
- Updated the remote printer receipts to use the same template for cash, credit, and sent orders.
- Updated the confirmation page and email to use the place (section) for reserved seating.
- Fixed problem preventing RTS from saving a title without a rating selected.
- Fixed IBM SurePOS 500 cash drawers which share customer display ports
- Faster time out when credit card processors not responding during batch
- Optimized internet ticketing purchase page to handle reloading multiple times on apple devices.
- Fixed problem causing internet ticketing to fail when selecting a place with mis configured reserved seating
- Changed schedule send timeout to 120 seconds from 30 seconds.
- Removed employee name from pickup viewer finish printout.
- Fill order printers now print sub items for main items if main item has a fill order printer assigned.
- Added status window to show progress of the copy function in the new scheduler.
- Added concession item importer
- Added Descriptive audio amenity to Auditorium, film, and showtime settings.
- Added search box to remote item routing window.
- Added an export option to the online gift card purchase log.
- Added Graphical Restaurant Table Service
- Added Paycor timeclock export.
- Added &quot;DC&quot; to the state list for online gift card purchases.
- Added the history view back to the pickup viewer
- Added a credit card tip report
- Added support for ICMP bluetooth credit card reader
- Added a check on SSDP discovery to stop multiple instances from being created when searching for Chromecast.
- Added purchase GUID check before credit card preauth for online ticketing.
- Added caching to internet ticketing confirmation pages
- Added send/receive timeouts to Chromecast TCP calls.
- Added database table to store tip log entries
- Added support for Canadian Interac (Canadian EMV/Debit)
- Updated Lookup mag card and edit mag card to show city and state.
- Updated the item sales report to round decimal values to 4 decimal places and fix whole numbers.
- Updated the Conc Sales vs Inv report to round decimal values to 4 decimal places and fix whole numbers.
- Updated Mag card transfer to skip the local database write if the remote query fails
- Updated Rentrak EBOR to combine tickets based on price when needed.
- Updated the default start date/time of the ticket daily report
- Updated the online gift card purchase log to include additional columns.
- Updated non-E2E reserved seating to use seat type and seat price codes
- Updated the Paycor export to support multiple weeks.
- Updated the confirmation page to have the actual confirmation number under the barcode (include check digit)
- Updated the ticket designer to display the ticket name in the title bar
- Updated online loyalty/gift card check to strip dashes from card numbers.
- Updated gift card detail report to include a &quot;Balance on Selected Date&quot; column.
- Updated the Tax by Subtotal Report to support multiple tax rates.
- Update LRS Pager functions to support the updated table.
- Updated the Tax by Subtotal Report to support multiple tax rates.
- Updated the inventory cost report to use 4 decimal places
- Updated the save on film settings to prevent illegal characters.
- Increased internet ticket pickup day limit to 180 .
- Modified pickup receipt to include an indent character, dividing line before each item
- Changed timer for processing chromecast app status
- Fixed the clock on digital showtime signage
- Fixed issues with the purchase confirmation prompt on Firefox browser.
- Fixed Daily Attendance total to account for time adjustment on general entries report when enabled to use time adjustment.
- Fixed online gift card purchase log reporting fulfilled physical gift card purchases as an &quot;Open Order&quot;
- Fixed the sort order of section names for the internet ticketing page.
- Fixed problem with seat holds not showing the correct color when in button mode, and seat display not clearing correctly
- Changed online gift cards to allow zero priced shipping costs.
- Fixed seats not showing as sold when in hold state for the online ticketing pages
- Changed reserved seating pick to avoid ticket pricing popup when all seats are same custom seat price.
- Fixed Reloading gift cards on kiosk when using secure card readers.
- Fixed Hollywood Software transmission to send file when location had no sales.
- Fixed the barcode alignment on passes that are printed on &quot;PRACTICAL(2X3.25 TICKET)&quot;, &quot;BOCA(2X3.25 TICKET)&quot;, &quot;PRACTICAL(4X2 TICKET)&quot;, &quot;BOCA(4X2 TICKET)&quot;
- Fixed problem with printing from sales log.
- Fixed issue causing stockrooms to not display on the station open window.
- Fixed problem with registered card lookup stopping its lookup after the first prefix is queried.
- Fixed problem with deleting ticket prices when the ticket is included in the pickup table
- Fixed issue with Apple devices when reloading purchase page multiple times.
- Fixed the &quot;is working&quot; warning on pickup viewer.
- Fixed issue causing lookup register card to crash when selecting a card number without registration information.
- Fixed problem causing manual refunds on EMV readers to fail with error &quot;TRANSACTION NOT COMPLETE - Invalid Tran Code&quot;.
- Fixed invalid Sequence Number causing secure card reader to not work
- Fixed &quot;Value Cannot Be Null&quot; error when attempting to add a new Advertising Sign in Digital Signage
- Fixed Issue causing kiosk to crash when using a gift card for payment.
- Fixed currency format to use parentheses for negative values
- Fixed issue with Digital Signage getting images when invalid characters in film settings
- Fixed RTS assigning the incorrect report numbers for kiosk and internet stations.
- Added option to absolutely position the reserved seating grid on kiosk.
- Added the ability to add a background image specific to the reserved seating page.
- Added option to shift report to use time adjustment for the general entries report when ran by date.
- Updated the RTS installer to no longer set large buttons on new installations.
- Updated buy request API call to include 3rd party ID node.
- Updated VX805 EMV transactions to block merchant signature receipt when amount is less than preconfigured signature requirement amount.
- Updated Rentrak and Hollywood software preview, preventing occasional crash when there are closed performances for preview date.
- Changed batch number assignment method when Vantiv/MPS servers are slow to respond.
- Fixed reserved seating cache when an asset type exists with no image.
- Fixed focus loss problem on print passes window from selling screen.
- Fixed problem with deleting from film list.
- Fixed historical reserved seating ticket sale lookup when the seat row/col description has been edited.
- Added PCX encoding when sending bitmaps to FGL printers (Practical & Boca)
- Added keyboard to the register card window.
- Added ability to internet server to restart UI RTS when running in kiosk mode.
- Added phone number to edit registered card form.
- Added lookup registered card by driver license swipe/Scan
- Added phone number to lookup registered card screen.
- Added auto detection during install to detect local RTS servers.
- Added API call to get reserved seating layouts
- Added license retry to digital signage is server is not working during initial check.
- Added special character protection to Rentrak and Hollywood Software preview.
- Added API call to verify seat selections are valid
- Added support for Windows printers (winprint:) when using custom bitmap receipts and tickets
- Added status dialog to employee screen EMV pay credit.
- Added direct USB printer detection for Custom:VKP80II
- Fixed type on image directory names for kiosk moviebutton images
- Fixed problem with closing the swipe card prompt on kiosk
- Fixed problem with mag card lookup that would cause RTS to crash when it is unable to access the mag card server.
- Fixed problem where ingenico EMV transactions would still print a signature receipt when signature amount not reached.
- Create Rts Stub Installer for web which detects rts installs on the local network and downloads them directly.
- Fixed problem with Rentrak / Hollywood software preview when there is no data to display.
- Optimized the lookup register card search.
- Fixed problem where kiosk would hide prompts on click.
- Optimized the SSL input pipeline in internet server
- Update RTN confirmation pages to include ticket taxes broken out, if option enabled
- Updated VeriFone VX805 to prompt with a beep to remove card after the transaction.
- Updated RTS email configuration to accept an IP address in addition to DNS names for SMTP servers.
- Updated RTS to attempt database maintenance the following day if machine is powered off overnight.
- Updated RTS to attempt update check the following day if machine is powered off overnight.
- Updated RTS to periodically check for updated version.
- Updated the selling screen to support multiple general places with single ticket type enabled.
- Updated RTS installer to skip SQLite to postgres conversion on new servers.
- Updated text on performance scheduler to &quot;Hide&quot; in place of &quot;Delete&quot; on the film option menu.
- Fixed Reserved Seating not removing Asset IDs from seatinfo when removing the asset
- Removed &quot;Remove terminal credit card clearing&quot; from File - Options - Other
- Fixed key not present error when trying to save station item list with an item that did not exist in the current.item table
- Edited deposit from shift total is crashing when no shift is selected
- During initial software install on 64bit OSs, Visual C++ 2013 64 runtime is not installed if 32 bit runtime is already installed
- Partner SP850 image has a bad VC install, installer now runs vc install every time
- Added change display pop up when transaction is complete.
- Added option to block a transaction if the cash drawer is left open.
- Added communication status to selling screen while processing mag card transactions.
- Added ability to detect if a Posiflex 4xx5 cash drawer is open.
- Added a configuration window for the following options (enable change popup on transaction complete, enable block selling while cash drawer is open, enable clear register after change display is closed)
- Added remote tech support on network down.
- Added additional categories to multiple item setup (earn points, display on fill order, amount entry, reward only, unit calculation)
- Added option to skip ingenico signature.
- Added option for users to adjust when showtimes change to the next available performance time.
- Added USB chip detection for epson TM T20II printers.
- Added search list box to the internet film list window.
- Added display name to multiple item setup window.
- Added phone number to the online mag card registration.
- Added a column to the hollywood software configuration table for &quot;FTP Server&quot; address.
- Added ability to adjust the advertising display to display certain images during different station statuses (selling or non selling)
- Added individual card log call from online gift card purchase window.
- Added option to export seating layouts as graphics.
- Added ability to hold reserved seats for a cusom length of time / during the performance.
- Added an option to hold seat until end of performance.
- Added an FTP server field to the hollywood software settings.
- Added a prompt to internet film list to notify user if the internet is down at the time of load.
- Fixed film summary on kiosk from overlapping the buttons.
- Fixed sales log print preview to no longer crash when attempting to preview a transaction without a signature.
- Fixed ticket prices not sorting correctly in Safari (mobile and desktop)
- Fixed free tickets being available on reserved performances when the default price category was not used.
- Fixed online ticketing not returning the correct ticket types if multiple places are in a schedule location.
- Fixed online ticket to use the &quot;Place Reserved&quot; flag instead of &quot;Showtime Reserved&quot; flag.
- Fixed &quot;Force image Update&quot; in Digital Signage
- Fixed reserved seating showing screen when hidden after using seat hold.
- Fixed ticket price in tender menu from combining ticket price and link item.
- Fixed reserved seat customer display not saving if only the show disclaimer option is changed.
- Fixed duplicate entries being generated on save in main.rentrakconfig table.
- Sign display now works when starting in interactive / non service mode.
- Customer pick screen no longer locks up if screen is click while companion warning message is displayed.
- Updated how the internet server accepts new connections.
- Updated reserved internet ticketing to prevent the sales of held seats after seat lock expires.
- Updated Kiosk and internet ticketing to display held seats as sold seats.
- Updated mag card communcation to use TLS 1.2 encryption.
- Updated schedule to account for tickets being disabled after sales have been made against them.
- Updated the installer to enable reserved seating 2nd monitor by default.
- Updated the installer to set epson ticket layouts to type 2 doorstub by default.
- Updated kiosk to to account for partial gift card payments.
- Updated &quot;Add Pass&quot; to prevent a pass being added to a card that does not exist in the mag card database.
- Updated the local computer window to update the available drivers when printers are refreshed from local computer.
- Updated deposit breakdown to use the authorized transactions instead of transactions in batch.
- updated deposit breakdown to account for shifts closed after midnight for previous days business.
- Updated the reserved seat hold configuration to account for nonstandard characters.
- Updated Ticket monitor to account for seats sold in all sections.
- Updated the choose picture window on concession item setup to center screen.
- Updated the picker list window to accept Enter key to finish selection.
- Updated the station number that was being logged when adding a pass to a card from the selling screens &quot;Print Pass&quot; option.
- Updated the kiosk configuration window to prevent blank configuration names.
- Updated the &quot;Change my password&quot; option to account for passwords that are larger than 10 characters.
- Increased the size of the QR code on internet ticketing confirmation page.
- Disabled the ability to add a code to the CS code field on film edit unless added through CS film list.
- Optimized schedule exports
- Added additional API calls for Fandango.
- Added native TLS 1.1 & 1.2 which is not dependent on OS version.
- Added support for Zebra KR403 printers.
- Added logs to RTS to detect windows run time.
- Added additional amenities (PFE, Dolby Atmos, RealD3D, Sony4K, DtsX, Auro3D, Fedelio, Captiview)
- Added the ability to change the row description for multiple seats at once on graphical reserved seat editor.
- Added a preview option to both Hollywood software and all Rentrak exports.
- Added the option to configure Rentrak and Hollywood software from the manual send window.
- Added additional logging for the hosted checkout batch process.
- Added an option to the price category window to create a new price category, automatically including the selected price categories.
- Fixed problem with kiosk background being cleared.
- Fixed assets sometimes not appearing on kiosk reserved seating.
- Resolved issue with the performance summary report sometimes not listing totals correctly for a performance.
- Resolved problem with online loyalty check not displaying correctly if card only includes 1 ticket reward.
- Fixed the progress bar on the batch close window not updating during batch process. (hosted checkout batch only)
- Fixed Reserved seating on kiosk not checking for asset when updating button when not in button display type.
- Updated the start/end receipt showtimes report to no longer distort the print when it includes a long title.
- Updated the advance pickup search window to better detect when a ticket has previously been printed or voided.
- Updated the employee selling screen to display the individual place tickets instead of all ticket types for the reserved location with multiple places.
- Updated the new TLS certificate.
- Auditorium signs no longer show a blank screen when no show is available to display.
- Added option to change the Name format on payroll report
- Added check to see if mag card in DB when swiping gift or loyalty on kiosk
- AddHTML5DocType and AddViewPortMetaTag Not Working
- Added whitelist for TLS1 to support xp machines using remote mag cards
- Added check for Chromecast switching IPs after initial load
- Added prompt to pick group when adding new RTS user password
- Added more descriptive error message when remote mag card server is not reachable
- Added additional null checking to the Microsoft
- Dynamics export. This resolves any problems exporting a deposit that did not include credit card details
- Added call to check for ticket redemption
- Added default selection of CASH DRAWER PRINTER
- TYPE=OposNet:SP850CashA when installing on SP850
- Added database cleanup for old rentrak configurations
- Added color to sales log to easily see voids and open cash drawer
- Needed a way to hold a group of seats at the register
- frmTimeClockAddManualPunch - Update Status reloads each employee&apos;s clock status on another database connection.
- Apostrophe in a display title is displayed as &apos; on show times dsigns
- Changed title on deposit total window to shift / deposit total
- Sp850 has the path in the registry set to a string instead of an expand string
- Old schedule not saving show settings unless 3d is clicked last and some other settings were fixed
- Added valid and expired ticket credits to the mag card - system
- Bad DNS settings crash software when attempting remote mag card transaction
- Added Device Manager to control panel options
- Added Services to control panel option
- Added a way to view all the active seat holds
- Rentrak Ebor automatic sending was not working unless an auto email ticket address was entered
- Added a prompt to alert user if no ticket types are available for a reserved performance they are trying to sell to
- Added SP850 and Senor to software install choices
- Change mag card daily log to use start and end date time picker and add filter for log types
- Updated plugin.dll when software starts, when installer is not run
- Updated the sales log receipt to return signatures for open CC transactions
- Allow multiple places in a single location schedule
- Increased time failed mag card messages are displayed to user
- Fixed reserved seating asset issue when no image in database
- New scheduler automatically shifts to its default position after saving edits on a film
- Single Seat Warning fires on Kiosk if there is an aisle to the left of the first seat
- Changed schedule exports to support multiple places in location
- Created BMP from capture signature is being pruned
- Fixed Reserved Seating not removing Asset IDs from seatinfo when removing the asset
- Removed &quot;Remove terminal credit card clearing&quot; from File - Options - Other
- Fixed key not present error when trying to save station item list with an item that did not exist in the current.item table
- Edited deposit from shift total is crashing when no shift is selected
- During initial software install on 64bit OSs, Visual C++ 2013 64 runtime is not installed if 32 bit runtime is already installed
- Partner SP850 image has a bad VC install, installer now runs vc install every time
- Added option to Kiosk config to enable/disable &quot;Prompt on Companion Select&quot;
- Added option to Kiosk config to enable/disable &quot;Prompt on Wheelchair Select&quot;
- Added email setting to user passwords in database
- Added status update while updating database during software startup
- Added printer detection to local computer - TM88IV
- Added print from sales log of Ingenico stored signature
- Added a selection for the type of remote control when pressing the remote control button on the tech menu
- Added writing server info to splash screen when checking serial number
- Added set google open DNS to tech menu for individual computer
- Added printer detection for Zerbra KR403
- Added column for concession prices in multiple item setup
- Added card transfer option to the lookup registered card window
- Added message after re-sending internet confirmation emails manually
- Added option to resend online ticketing confirmation email
- Added a customer phone number to mag card registration
- Local Password file for restoring the desktop during network down was not creating the backup password file correctly
- Check Column Exists was not working in postgres database update
- Fixed font family not being set on kiosk config load
- Fixed the password bypass function
- Retrak is sometimes failing when using active FTP transfers - changed to passive
- When adding inventory to a stockroom while the item does not exist in the stockroom prompt to add the item (if the user has rights)
- Pickup viewer now has a sound notification when order is added
- Remote control from tech support window needed access to other remote choices
- Moved SqlQuery to RtsInterop2
- Boxoffice Report now displays the Net total when being ran without displaying ticket types.
- Changed Password Bypass button on network down to restore desktop
- Ticket Open report is now filtering by day properly when trying to view a date range report.
- Com5:115200, n, 8 ,1 is now in the default selections for credit card printer
- Changed the reserved seating register display to list all the seats together to take less height
- Progress bar on reserved seating is now blue on selling screen
- Restoring the desktop adds RTS to startup when machine when running in service mode.
- Option to close batch without closing deposit
- Added computer name to &quot;could not find batch number&quot; email (PG and SQLite)
- Added transaction total to HTMLEmail in non-E2E confirmation emails
- Added the dates and report type to the report header for the concession summary report
- Added the Sold From location RTN to the tracking number on gift card purchase email.
- Added Intercard gift card processing
- Added a way to create a specified number of rows/columns at once to a new reserved seating layout.
- Added additional XSS protection
- Added option to prompt to print customer credit card receipts
- Added detection to start the internet service if not running.
- Added user defined kiosk button text
- Added Legend Image for use online and on selling screen.
- Added a new password setting for reserved seat swaps
- Added option to round Loyalty earned points
- Added option to print multiple copies of receipt
- Added option to force receipt on ticket sale
- Added option to print multiple copies of receipt
- Added option to force receipt on ticket sale
- Added an option to the item sales by employee item configuration window to hide deleted items.
- Added options to web server passwords to disable custom seat types.
- Fixed ticket groups in E2E reserved seating when using custom seattype or seatprice codes
- Fixed reserved seating issue when picking ticket credits when a certain number of credits were available
- Fixed problem where multiple day setting was not being written to the config for ticket daily reporting.
- When all windows services are not responding, RTS would not start.
- Fixed issue with partial backup files being created when backups failed
- Fixed internet ticketing credit card types accepted when nonE2E
- Fixed &quot;Loyalty&quot; button placement when &quot;Check Status&quot; is enabled on the kiosk
- Fixed issue with reregistering IP from internet service monitor.
- Fixed issue with multiple tickets printing for the same purchase when multiple payment types are used for online ticketing. Only reachable when picking up from advance pickup search.
- Special Modifiers not working correctly when multiple items in register - the first item was used for the multiplier for the special item
- Connected USB printers are displayed in local computer
- The display name is populated with the company name if blank
- During a license violation, current licensed machines are displayed to the user
- When no selling stations are configured, a message is displayed giving instructions on how to configure
- Block the addition of additional sections to reserved seating layouts.
- Software restart was slow in kiosk mode
- New seat swap reserved button was not printing a new ticket
- Updated purchase cancellation procedure for internet ticketing purchased.
- Updated Epson Ticket Classic failing when Rating too long
- Updated Deposit recap weekly to filter the daily admissions totals by location.
- Updated Allocate inventory count to sales option to be turned off on new setups
- Faster Rentrak hourly queries
- Update Deposit recap weekly payroll total to include non conventional shifts.
- Updated the CC last four on confirmation emails to be four characters long.
- Customer name can now be passed into the Out-of-scope third party purchase API
- Updated the export item editor for quickbook exports.
- Unstable internet connections were causing a long timeouts during Vantiv processing
- Print internet tickets from viewer was not enabled for some preconfigured password groups
- Updated the new scheduler to allow you to delete performances with sales.
- Optimized the Queries ran after completing a transaction.
- Increased the speed of pickup tickets search
- Increased speed of transactions on slower XP machines
- Updated inventory transfer within building window to not display deleted items.
- Updated advance pickup search window to display all cards used for payment in the detail grids.
- Updated SeatChart API to reflect the web server password disable custom seat type change.
- Added null protection to the registered member information gathered from enter card function
- Added Card type, last four, and authcode to API e2e Purchase response
- Added options to swap seats, exchange ticket types, and view seat history to the reserved seat pick window
- Added auditorium number to confirmation emails.
- Added logging to close tickets, rentrak gross, hollywood software send, and EBOR send.
- Added Ticket print when swapping seats
- Added option to set the inventory correction warning amount
- Added an option to RTN to prompt customer before completing a transaction to confirm the purchase. (Added an confirm prompt (if enabled) to verify title,date/time,tickets before completing a purchase.)
- Added menu option to restore deleted concession items
- Added a cache reload to the reserved seating if layout is changed
- Added Auditorium Sales Summary report to ticket daily
- Added prompt to close tickets to ticket daily form when user runs a report for a day that doesn&apos;t return any sales data.
- Added the ablility to enable stock order on stockrooms if the item has a stock from station enabled. (not set to stock from create)
- Added function to detect if IP6 is enabled on machine
- Added additional code to assist with moving server to a different machine.
- Added hash params to image URLs and JS URLs
- Added the option to adjust the cost of an item
- Added security prompt when trying to view station report without appropriate permissions.
- Added default style to &quot;Use Gift Card&quot; and &quot;Use Loyalty Card&quot; sections of the E2E checkout page
- Added Transaction Total to non-E2E confirmation email
- Added logging to firewall configuration
- Added a password verfiy check to the clear card function so the user is not required to verify their password repeatedly
- Added formatting to the card number to return a 4 digit card number when any leading numbers are zero (confirmation email)
- Added blocking of http and optional force of tls 1.2
- Added check to keep SoldOut and LowSeats shows on showtimes signs until the show goes unavailable
- Added the date range and report type to the concession summary report header
- Updated film summary report to account for larger tax totals
- Update HOllywood software send to include performances without sales
- Updated the rentrak EBOR to send all tickets that are being closed at that time
- Updated E2E HostedCheckout to accept StreetAddress and ZipCode in the &quot;CreatePayment&quot; request
- Updated the ability to swap to 32bit postgres
- Update Serial/Par/Network Port detection in the system report
- Updated the ticket daily form for ease of adding additional report options
- Fixed refresh on reserved seating graphical builder when editing assets or seat types
- Fixed issue with shows not propagating when an old date was passed in on the schedule link
- Fixed E2E HostedCheckout default StreetAddress and ZipCode values
- Changed the way the RTSstartup batch files work with Internet server service mode
- Simplified the ticket daily report generation code.
- Set the expiration date on passes to be &quot;No Expiration&quot; When expire date is before 1971
- Changed reserved seating to use a central layout file (hashed and cached)
- Increased cache time on gift card graphics
- Added reserved section/row/seat information to ticket output on saleslog
- Added cardtype check after card number validation to fix mag cards passing credit card validation check.
- Added confirmation number to the advanced pickup search criteria
- Added an RTN option for &quot;Show Print button on confirmation page&quot;
- Added an option to hide print at home tickets. This stops the print at home tickets from displayed on confirmation page.
- Added IDs to the divs, img, etc on the non-E2E conf. page
- Added a &quot;Print this page&quot; button to the non-E2E and E2E conf. page
- Added code to internet ticketing to inform guest if the transaction failed due to &quot;not enough Seats remaining&quot;
- Added Rentrak Hourly send button to internet server
- Added soldout check on E2E and non-E2E pick tickets
- Added seat count check before processing credit card payment
- Added seat count check before adding tickets to cart (E2E)
- Added classes to title and showtime link elements on the schedule page (E2E and non-E2E)
- Added additional chromecast logging.
- Added additional logs and null protection to the transaction process.
- Added an &quot;AVG sales per show&quot; column to the gross summary report.
- Added an option to temporarily disable the auto refresh on the ticket monitor.
- Added internet server monitor that is available when internet server is running in service mode.
- Added an RTN option (Allow Sales After Showtime Minutes) to allow sales X minutes past the showtime start
- Added addition logging for the EBOR Sends.
- Deposit Recap Reports - added an option to change the percap calculation to use daily adm instead of shift.
- Deposit Recap Reports - Added fields for the daily adm totals so it could be referenced.
- Online gift cards sales - Added an option to StatusMessage to indicate if the continue button should be hidden. HIde the continue button on the no schedule available error.
- Online gift card sales - Added validation checks for email and emailconfirm.
- Fixed the button name in the text on the creditcard page for going back to previous page.
- Fixed the HTML for the non-E2E and E2E conf. page to correctly format the left info and conf. content
- Fixed Sign viewer issues that occured when internet server is running in service mode.
- Fixed Earning points on multiple level modifiers.
- Fixed pole display not accounting for sub item discounts.
- Fixed internet ticketing emails that failed when only having a gift card used in the transaction.
- Fixed the EBOR form to update the checkboxes to reflect the saved information.
- Online gift card sales - Fixed update / insert query for PG
- Online gift card sales - Fixed status/error display on registration
- KIOSK - Fixed credit card charge amount when gift card payments applied to the transaction.
- Fixed IIF Export resolving issue when using &quot;@&quot; items.
- Fixed an issue with how screen numbers were being assigned the custom image/s...
- Fixed DisplayTitles that have CRLF in them
- Adjusted how screen / legend / background image for reserved seating draw on the screen when screen not at top.
- Changed signviewer to start on user desktop when running in service mode
- Screen number was being compared to the list index to get the custom screen details instead of the screen number.
- Adjusted the default time adjustment to be 5am on several reports.
- Updated the shift summary report to use only non percap sales total for &quot;other percap&quot; Calculation
- Updated copyright.
- Updated the log to only included failed pings
- Updated Advance Ticket report to account for ticket prices changes.
- Moved purchasing title/time to right side of the internet ticketing page, and added reserved seating row/seat desc if reserved performance.
- Changed the running time (E2E and non-E2E) on the show schedule page to use Hrs Mins format.
- Made several updates to chromecast logs
- Made several adjustments to log levels (Severity)
- KIOSK - Fixed credit card charge amount when gift card payments applied to the transaction.
- KIOSK - Moved the receipt print after the ticket print.
- Updated the internet ticketing confirmation email send code to only send emails that are valid and within a reasonable time of the performance date.(prevents RTS from sending OLD emails.)
- Deposit Recap Reports - made adjustments to how Other percap is calculated.
- Increased the number of days logs are stored.
- Updated copyright.
- Updated the log to only included failed pings
- Updated Advance Ticket report to account for ticket prices changes.
- Moved purchasing title/time to right side of the internet ticketing page, and added reserved seating row/seat desc if reserved performance.
- Changed the running time (E2E and non-E2E) on the show schedule page to use Hrs Mins format.
- Made several updates to chromecast logs
- Made several adjustments to log levels (Severity)
- KIOSK - Moved the receipt print after the ticket print.
- Updated the internet ticketing confirmation email send code to only send emails that are valid and within a reasonable time of the performance date.(prevents RTS from sending OLD emails.)
- Added option to display the concession screen after picking reserved tickets.
- Added suggested seat selection to customer reserved seat picker
- Added windows 8.1 and 10 detection
- Added setup.exe to logger tracing disk file
- Added support for windows monitor numbering in advertising display
- Added tickettax1 and tickettax2 to the ticket designer (old designer)
- Added additional null checking to inventory remaining report.
- Added an update to fix multiple entries for the same location in schedule.locations.
- Added a warning to the boxoffice report when loading titles for dates that have performances scheduled.
- Added the shipping type to the online gift card purchase log
- Added time logged off to the system log.
- Updated the schedule location - undelete code to work with a postgres DB.
- Added protection against enabling virtual gift cards without a card prefix first being created.
- Added &quot;Hide on internet&quot; and &quot;Show seat types&quot; to the seat property grid on the reserved seats graphical layout builder.
- Added warnings for wheelchair and companion on customer display reserved seating
- Added Rentrak EBOR
- Added Hide passes to the Rentrak EBOR
- Added AAM XML format to the schedule exports.
- Added additional error logging to the shift total report
- Switching to different ticket days reselects the first title if the current block is no longer available
- Added load data button to the advance pickup search.
- Updated price category and class rule clone for use with the postgres DB
- Changed the online gift config to allow for blank theater name
- Added protection against invalid amounts being submitted on the money entry window.
- Text concession buttons now use the display name instead of the item name.
- Removed zero price ticket in transaction check to allow for zero priced tickets for sale online.
- Added Rentrak EBOR to manual Rentrak send data if enabled.
- Added alerts on credit card failure to non E2E processing pages.
- Added alert message when errors occur during purchase.
- Added support for InterCard to Add/Remove Money
- Added sort button to ticket class name
- Added hide auditoriums and consolidate showtimes option to rentrak EBOR
- Added search criteria to the advance pickup search header.
- Added 6315 cash drawer support.
- Fixed an issue where cloning a price category would skip the last price and result in an attempt to add null values to the DB
- Fixed problem where station inventory was not being added to the history.inventory table on deposit close
- system reports now report if user is an administrator.
- Fixed an issue with using employee discounts with secure credit card transactions.
- Fixed E2E reserved seating chart issues.
- Fixed the create payment call in API to support 3rd party E2E Transactions
- Fixed sorting on the credit card tips
- Increased wait time and added additional logging for license serial number changes.
- Fixed pickup viewer issue where finish button would not print receipt.
- Fixed auto login issues on UAC enabled OS
- Fixed Encryption key errors when converting to Postgres
- Fixed issue where old logs were not being removed overnight
- Adjusted the timeout when adding money to bulk cards.
- Fixed SQL - PG Query for API mag card registration.
- Stopped RTS from drawing an image for a blank item name on the touchscreen layout config.
- Fixed the date sort on the receive or return report.
- Resolved issue causing RTS to not remove historical backups.
- Changed color selection highlight to pink and made it thicker on graphical title buttons.
- Updated the break sort on the employee time clock report.
- Set the scheduler to allow schedule copies on overlapping shows.
- Updated the initial load to be 7 days on the advance pickup search.
- Updated advance pickup search to go back to the result window after data load.
- Updated the schedule reports to group the schedule for multiple days if schedule matches.
- Updated the postgres query for the bank deposit report to group the cardtypes correctly.Changed to Sha256 TLS Certificate
- Updated the shift sort on the IIF export
- Updated the receipt filter on the online gift card purchase log.
- Updated the sorting on the title summary report
- Updated the physical auditorium sort under setup - auditoriums
- Updated the showtimes xml to use the short title in the place of the long title if the long title was blank.
- Changed reserved seats to not prompt for free ticket redemptions if no bonus ticket types are available.
- Mercury pay gift card support
- Option to enable/disable customers from choosing wheelchair, and/or companion seats.
- A microsoft dynamics export
- Warn on companion seat to RTN
- A system log menu option that includes internet sales logging -postgres
- An option to the individual ticket pickup window to select all or none of the tickets listed.
- Database transaction time logging - postgres
- Internet credit card charge log with fail reason to postgres databases.
- Made several adjustments to the way custom tickets worked for internet pickup and kiosk.
- Concession selling toggle while customers are choosing reserved seats
- Added usher reserved seat display web page
- Added streaming replication hot backup local server to postgres database
- Added transparent network re-connection (especially useful with poor
- wireless connections)
- Added refresh button to reserved ticketing screen
- Added an option to kiosks to disable buy tickets, gift card pay option, gift card balance check, gift card reloading, loyalty registration (initial and editing), loyalty status check,
- Manual confirmation number entry when picking up tickets, graphic buttons for titles
- Digital Signage - Added options to display various pieces of film info on Poster sign
- Added prompt to retry signature when Ingenico signature timeout
- Fixed an issue where seats with no &quot;seatpricecode&quot; couldn&apos;t be sold.
- Fixed issue with inventory corrections not being displayed properly on deposit close - postgres only
- Suppressed open cash drawer when ingenico signature is successful.
- Email list when sending direct emails
- A preview option to digital sign chromecast configuration
- A chromecast status monitor window to digital signs
- Additional logging to reserved seat purchase online and third party selling interface
- Refund function (reserved seats and general admissions) to third party selling interface for Fandango
- Troubleshooting message when misconfigured Ingenico EMV readers are configured
- Vehicle admission report
- Protection from error when entering invalid characters during pickup tickets
- Option to allow manual credit card entry on secure encrypting EMV card readers
- Additional troubleshooting messages when processing encrypting credit card on non encrypted merchant accounts
- When decrypting credit cards for batching and an incorrect password is entered, a message indicating when the password was last changed is displayed
- Fixed issue on some Practical printer firmware versions not printing paper gift certificates
- Fixed duplicate email attachment issue when TLS fallback during email send
- When windows print spooler is broken, the local computer configuration window was not loading
- Saving a reserved seat layout is blocked when multiple seats are assigned the same ids
- Online gift card was always enabled for custom amount for virtual gift cards
- Editing local web site layout and information file was sometimes failing
- Online gift cards balance check from web was not working with some remote server routing settings
- Increased width of ticket type field on ticket type summary report
- Changed how error deposit is calculated on shift/deposit reports
- Updated advanced ticket search to allow easy searching by last 4 card number, email address, or name and direct printing
- Update payroll cost report to use decimal format if selected
- Reserved seating Online no longer prompts for tickets types when only one type is available
- Moved AD display graphics to the main database store when using new POSTGRES database mode
- New schedule allows adding showtimes directly with a custom class rule and displays the class type selection window automatically
- Moved the reward expiration date to the next line in the cash register
- Added support for Boca, Practical, and Epson direct bitmap printing.
- Added Cinema Source Film code
- Added item filter to circuit detail report
- Added automated fix to corrupted concession item setups
- Added custom price setting per seat (reserved seating)
- Added custom reserved seat price settings to the class rule system
- Added date range to the report header for both timeclock employee and details
- Added bar code capabilities to custom code printer layouts
- Added better error reporting when secure credit card readers fail a transaction
- Added test button to determine secure credit card reader installation status
- Added support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2
- Added ability to edit website additional text locally at location
- Added multi culture configuration to custom printer code layouts
- Added DNS cache to magcard transactions
- Added separate configuration for cash drop printer
- Added support for third party API sales using Out-of-scope credit card processing
- Added distributor to rentrak report
- Added Star TSP printer commands (needed for Star printer that will not emulate Epson)
- Added troubleshooting for LRS pagers
- Added LRS pager number input during transaction finish
- Added additional retries when LRS transmitter is not responding
- Added additional logging for schedule transmissions
- Added support for fandango direct refunds
- Added a seat checker to view additional reserved seat status and info
- Kitchen pickup viewer - added order timer with warnings
- Kitchen pickup viewer - added ability to view completed items
- Digital Signs - Added a display string for directional signs
- Online gift card - added option to enable use of custom CSS
- Digital signage - added display and sort amenities to directional signs
- Digital signage - added rollover minutes setting to auditorium signs
- Digital signage - added option to output rating and running time on auditorium signs
- Internet ticketing added ability to barcode pickup partial tickets from a transaction
- Online gift card - added additional logging to troubleshoot fill notification emails
- Reserved Seating - Added custom seat type translation to type codes
- Internet ticketing - fixed font scaling issue on some devices
- Online gift cards - fixed issue when using an IFrame in IE from customer site
- Deposit export to Ascii - configuration was crashing on some database settings
- Reserved seating warn on wheelchair was not always prompting
- (Reserved seating) multiple seat locks and unlock are much faster
- Secure card readers were sometimes failing in Kiosk mode
- Deposit total window was not displaying a report group by default
- Kiosk single seat checking was failing on some single seat configurations
- Updated to new SQL Query Builder
- Changed partial authorization credit card refunds to refund customer card quicker
- Changed to .net4 client framework from full
- Warn when attempting to configure a second monitor when windows does not detect the monitor
- Re-enabled credit card signature threshold on signature capable credit card readers
- Pickup tickets allows pickup of old tickets
- shrunk size of local computer window for low height screens
- Internet ticketing - Reserved seats - Group display is clearer
- Increased width of net column on boxoffice report
- Removed EDI sending code (Rentrak purchase)
- Kiosk - better auditorium description text
- Native printer custom layouts now use the ticket print name
- Cursor is now hidden in kiosk mode
- Clearer formating for reserved ticket display in the ticket log
- Added LRS Guest Pager
- Added &quot;Warn on Wheelchair Select&quot; to RTN options for reserved seating
- Added Paypal checkout option when using secure credit card checkout process
- Added - updated kiosk to use the &quot;Seats Display As&quot; option
- Added - Open tab viewer
- Added - near press calculation on customer reserved seat selection monitors
- Added - shopping cart / payment flow to internet purchasing when using out-of-scope credit card processing account (multiple gift card payments and multiple performances purchases)
- Added - test code for new database server
- Added - Out-of-Scope end to end tokenization credit card processing option.
- Added - Support for Ingenico ISC250 signature storage
- Added - Digital signage added slideshow poster view
- Fixed Reserved seat selection issue when re-entering reserved seat selection in the same transaction
- Fixed - Online gift cards failing on when incorrect sales tax configuration
- Fixed- stale reserved locked seats are cleared faster
- Duplicate entries were sometimes display on the internet ticket pickup search
- Edit station deposit was not always enabled on the close deposit window
- Changed to new calendar control on old show schedule
- Locked reserved seats now display with a cross hatched pattern
- updated the Bank Cash/Credit deposit reports to now include location totals and the report total.
- Added Theatre occupancy report
- Added support for Out of Scope internet shopping cart with loyalty and gift card payments
- Added additional index to increase multi-location deposit reports
- Added preliminary tap and pay support
- Added row and seat descriptions to internet ticketing reserved seating confirmation emails
- Added tracking ID to internet ticketing confirmation emails
- Added CTRL-Z undo when moving seats in graphical reserved ticketing configuration
- Added optional shaded color overlays to reserved seating
- Added option to use buttons or pictures on reserved seats (Online and in theatre)
- Added an API error code when third parties are requesting seat charts for non-reserved show times
- Added selection to the gift card detail report to select an ending date
- Added preliminary support for Ingenico ISC250 and Verifone Vx805 secure card readers
- Kiosk film information now displays poster, synopsis, and rating
- Reserved seat selection now selects closest seat on missed presses
- Reserved seating, fixed screen legend positioning in screen on button mode
- Gift card breakdown report was sorting incorrectly when station had only non per-cap item sales
- Showtimes.xml did not include the code
- Boxoffice report was sometimes not printing the day total
- Updated the ticket designer window to resize properly
- Ticket monitor sorting is improved when multiple titles are in the same auditorium
- Blocked deleting debit sold and debit redeemed items
- Amount entry item is blocked when more than 6 digits are entered
- Changed to faster QR barcode generator
- When editing a deposit from the shift total window, the edit deposit window now initially selects the same deposit
- Removed the next and previous buttons from the show schedule window
- Changed to .net 4 schedule control which allows better auditorium height calculations
- Changed the new reporting library -new compilers .net4
- Internet ticketing credit card AVS verification is now relaxed to allow processing when either the postal or street address matches
- First install prompts for station numbers configuration during installation
- First install on office machines disables licensed selling
- First install on partner units removes all bad t500 printer variants
- First install on selling units adds rts to the startup folder
- Added using configuration for internet ticket pickup after showtime block time
- Computer name is automatically changed on new installs on integrated POS models
- Auto login is enabled when installed for the first time on an integrated POS models
- Added a prompt to continue modifier selections when an incorrect selection is made during pick lists
- Report emails are now adding the current user and local database information to report email text
- Added international email character validation to customer entry email checks
- Added support for electronic weight scales
- Added pre-configured and user configuration of shift report options.
- Added export/import of configured shift report options
- Added API Remote user metrics report to deposit report
- Added additional logging to startup of Digital Sign Software
- Added Partner 6800 cash drawer selection
- Added new reserved seating online customer purchase page which allows seat splitting of groups, graphical seat pictures, block group purchases, and theatre layout graphics.
- Added switch to optionally enabled new reserved seating layout in local web server
- Added a Top Attendance Report
- Added expeditor&apos;s printer support
- Added film editor button to new scheduler
- Fixed sales log export
- The Cinedigm export was not reporting failed exports during testing
- The auto generated daily ticket report email PDF was sometimes attaching the report twice to the email
- End of night database compression uses a different compression method on slow disk or processor machines
- Sales log optimization is faster for multi gigabyte database
- Classic show schedule was sometimes snapping to 5 minutes incorrectly
- Showtime export was failing when old DOS show times schedules were used to generate export data
- Incorrect number of picks selected during modifier selection now timeout automatically
- updated title summary layout and the performance details layout removing additional spacing and adjusted the line shading
- Changed the newspaper schedule listing to use the non page break report by default
- Updated the weekly deposit recap report layout to remove extra unused space.
- Updated the box office report layout to remove extra unused space.
- Changed billing zip to billing postal on internet ticketing checkout
- Message when a time clock only user tries to log in
- Auditorium name text to the open interface show schedule
- New layout for show times - newspaper listing - page breaks between locations
- Ticket reports were not always sorting alphabetically
- Station transaction detail summary was showing first station close only
- Ticket type summary was grouping on station numbers
- Slow 2003 servers sometimes did not start Internet ticketing
- Non US/CA number formats were causing database errors
- Increased compression speed of daily sales log at the end of the night
- Shortened URLs for Internet Ticketing
- Increased open interface show schedule generation - 10X faster
- Increased the font size of remote kitchen printers when a pick up viewer is not used
- User configurable film rating list
- Reserved Seating information to sales log
- API Names to sales log
- Caching for Mercury Pay Credit Cards processing, sub 1 second transactions
- Partner SP800 cash drawer option
- New reserved seating graphical builder
- A sold flag to showtimes.xml for lms systems that do not use recommended data feed
- Http(s) download will retry, without restarting the download
- Compressed end of the night backup file by 40%
- Additional public IP reflectors for determining a public IP address
- Faster web server compression
- A variety of chrome cast troubleshooting logs
- Split web server data transfer logging between Internet and local requests
- Web server now uses persistent http(s) connections in more instances (less Internet traffic)
- Optional purchase disclaimer to Internet ticketing, kiosk, and online gift cards
- Station numbers now visible on inventory correction report
- Quick database backups
- Persistent connections for Digital Signage- Sign Display
- Larger packets used to transmit Internet server responses
- Email test allows entry of any email address for destination
- Email sending logs when destination server is configured without any acceptable authentication method
- Layout update to virtual gift card emails
- Quicker Reserved seating selection on employee screens when server is under load
- View gift card fulfillment date/time
- Quick loading time for current show schedule
- Blocking when 3rd parties attempt to purchase the same reserved seats in the same transaction
- Internet ticketing confirmation emails now have 2d and 1d bar codes
- Internet ticketing emails now use a wait and retry when email servers are down
- Logging to troubleshoot slow selling screen loading on old machines
- Reprint gift card fulfillment mailer available
- Added jit pre-compilation and cache loading for OPOS drivers (Increases first credit card transaction time)
- Added jit pre-compilation and cache loading for selling screen (Increases first load time)
- Added credit card processing time and pass/fail to debug logging
- Physical screen number added to the title button on the selling screen
- Color flash when pressing number pad buttons
- Time Clock employee no longer shows multiple shift totals if the employee took multiple breaks &/or Lunches
- Item sales by employee was sometimes adding items from other item lists
- Sales log was sometimes sorted incorrectly
- Clone concession was not populating the sales tax choices when window is first displayed
- Time Clock employee no longer shows multiple shift totals if the employee took multiple breaks &/or Lunches
- Rebuilt the ticket log to use compressed log database
- Logging levels in Internet server to better display important information